prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, continues in office despite charges of corruption.

The israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said Thursday night that a just indictment against him is effectively a coup attempt.

It happens in a tv speech shortly after the announcement of the indictment.

Israel rigsadvokat announced earlier in the day that the prime minister will be indicted in a number of cases of fraud, breach of mandate and bribery.

– There is here an attempted coup against the prime minister, says Netanyahu, who calls the charges for the “politically motivated”.

– They are not out for the truth, they are out to get me, says the prime minister of the israeli investigators.

this is The first time that a sitting israeli prime minister will be indicted.

Netanyahu is not legally obligated to leave his post. And he Makrobet has not imagined, he says on Thursday after the chief public prosecutor’s announcement.

Israel is currently in the advance marked by political chaos. The country may very well be on the way to the third elections in under a year.

It is not managed for Netanyahu or the former army chief Benny Gantz to assemble a majority behind a new government. They each have been given 28 days to try, since the elections in september.

It means that others in the parliament have now been given a deadline of 21 days to find an alternative majority. It is unprecedented in the history of Israel.

Benny Gantz has on Thursday responded to the charge against Netanyahu.

This is a very sad day for the state of Israel, he writes on Twitter.

Netanyahu is Israel’s longest-serving prime minister ever. He has served in the post since 2009, and he was also prime minister from 1996 to 1999.

Netanyahu is facing up to ten years in prison if he is found guilty of bribery. He stands to a maximum of three years in prison, if he only becomes known guilty of breach of mandate. It writes the news agency Reuters.
