Powers of key enterprises, social reforms and the rate of education. It promises the Labour party before the election.

the Leader of the british Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn, has on Thursday presented a radical election manifesto, which promises big changes in the country.

the Wages in the public sector must increase, businesses should pay higher taxes, and important infrastructure such as the railways should be nationalised.

Thus, it seems that voters face a clear choice at the general elections 12. december.

With Labour you will get extensive powers and a range of free public services, while the conservative Boris Johnson is in a hurry to deliver brexit – the uk leaving the EU so brits can build a “dynamic market economy”.

Corbyn presented its valoplæg in Redwin Birmingham. Here he promised many things at once – from the help to børneforældre to free education at universities and more money for the care of older people.

It was greeted with standing applause from the audience.

Corbyn has also previously in the campaign spoken about to nationalize a number of companies. Among other things, he will give the british public access to free broadband.

It must be done by making the part of the telecommunications company BT, who works with broadband, state-owned.

the Internet is so central a part of our lives. It opens opportunities for work, creativity, entertainment and friendship. What was once a luxury is now a crucial tool, said Corbyn just last week.

TechUK, which represents the technology industry in the Uk, calling the proposal “fundamentally perverse” and a potential “disaster”.
