Benjamin Netanyahu is soon finished as the leader of Israel after charges of corruption, evaluate an associate professor.

It contributes more chaos added to an already chaotic situation in Israel, the country’s acting prime minister, the 70-year-old Benjamin Netanyahu, has officially been indicted for corruption by the attorney general.

And so, it is probably the beginning of the end for Benjamin Netanyahu.

Such is the assessment from Danny Raymond, director of studies at The Faculty of Social sciences at Aalborg University, which follows israeli domestic and foreign policy closely.

– You can say that it is probably the beginning of the Netanyahus finally.

Netanyahu had hoped that he could be prime minister within a charge and, with the help of fiksfakserier create a kind of immunity. But it seems to be completely out of the question now, says Danny Raymond.

the Charges against Netanyahu covers bribery, breach of mandate and scams.

They have been a long time coming. According to Danny Raymond has the attorney general even expected to raise the charges, Mobilbahis because there currently are negotiations on negotiations to form a government in the country.

Negotiations to form a government have so far failed. It is neither succeeded Benjamin Netanyahu or former military chief Benny Gantz to assemble a majority behind a new government.

They have each had 28 days to try, since the elections in september.

It means that others in the parliament have now been given a deadline of 21 days to find an alternative majority. It is unprecedented in the history of Israel.

the Situation refers to Danny Raymond as “chaotic”. And the indictment against Netanyahu is not good news for him, if there waiting for a new election. And it is far from unlikely.

– If it fails to find a majority to go over the middle, smoking we enter yet another choice. It is a very short election campaign of three weeks, so it will be very intensive and hectic.

– And here the indictment can get more moderate voters to vote on the Netanyahus considered an achievement, says Danny Raymond.

Netanyahu has refused to be guilty of three corruption cases. He is not legally obligated to resign as a result of the chief public prosecutor’s announcement.
