Michael Bloomberg will spend 33 million dollars a week in advertising. Several candidates are upset over the amount.

Former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg plans to spend a staggering 33 million dollar on a week of tv advertising, ahead of his expected bid to become the Democratic presidential candidate.

the Advertising is scheduled to appear on national and local tv in 99 cities across the UNITED states from 23. november to 3. december. It shows figures from the Advertising, Analytics, writes the New York Post.

No other candidates have spent so much money on tv advertising a week.

– Only Empty Styria has spent more on tv advertising. He is up to 38 million u.s. dollars. But he also has run its advertisements since July, says the analyst of Advertising Analytics Ben Loses to the New York Post.

The 62-year-old financier Sekabet and billionaire Tom Styria from New York announced in early July that he wants to be the Democratic presidential candidate in the elections in 2020.

– Warren and Sanders are the two largest advertisers, and they are both under eight million u.s. dollars each, says Ben Loses with reference to Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren and senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont.

– So, one week has Bloomberg so just outpaced the entire field by several lengths, he adds.

Several other candidates are highly dissatisfied with the huge expenses.

– I’m outraged over the idea that Michael Bloomberg or any other billionaire believes that they can circumvent the political process and use several million dollars to buy elections, writes Bernie Sanders on Twitter.

– If you can’t gather support among the grassroots for your candidacy, you should not stand for president, he adds.

Michael Bloomberg has not yet announced that he would stand up in the battle to become the Democratic presidential candidate, but both in Arkansas and Alabama, he is to find on the ballot at the democratic primaries 3. march.
