Depressed. Selfish.

british tennis champion Andy Murray tells the now on a long and difficult period, which ended with to affect the the marriage.

“I don’t know if the kids noticed it, because when I was with them, so I tried to always look happy, but my wife…It took hard on our relationship, because I was down all the time,” he tells the Daily Mirror.

The 32-year-old scot is only now really got back on track, after he through a long period of time, bothered by chronic pain in the hip, which eventually meant that an operation was necessary. An operation that potentially could have meant a retirement.

“being injured can be frustrating, but it was with me every single day. When I slept, when I went. It was not just when I spill, my arm did hurt. It woke me up also on at night. It was bad,” he explains.

In the hard period was the triple Grand Slam winner, therefore, also far from the perfect man. However, it was his wife, Kim, for him.

“She was been amazing, and I was probably quite selfish in the sense that I thought of me, and how I had it all the time. And I did it without really realizing what it did Bahsine to those around me,” says Murray honestly.

“Then all tried to encourage me to continue to try and continue to play, so I was like: ‘You do not know how it is. You know not how I have it’.”

the Interview comes in the context of an Amazon-documentary on the tennisstjernens skadeshelvede and the way back. It will be published at the end of november.

Andy Murray has even seen it, and it has set some thoughts in time with the 32-year-old tennis player.

“I thought probably not over what it did to all of those around me. It appears I’m also a bit of in the documentary. Some parts of it are quite hard for me to see,” he explains.

Andy Murray met his wife Kim back in 2005. Ten years later, they were married in his hometown of Dunblane in Scotland.

the Couple has daughters, Sophia and Edie, respectively, 3 and 2 years, and recently became two then three, since Kim Murray gave birth to son Teddy.