Now warns Annemarie Rødby other and encourages everyone to check with their a-box.

If you have paid in to early retirement in many years, you are entitled to go on voluntary early retirement some years before the old-age pension.

But now imagine that you are ready to go on early retirement, and then you find out that you have not actually paid to the early retirement in almost ten years. And so is the economic basis suddenly gone.

It has happened to 63-year-old Annemarie Rødbro from Aarhus, says DR Østjylland.

Now she warns others against getting in the same situation.

“I, of course, received a shock and lost completely the connection to earth. I was really confused in the first week of time,” explains Annemarie Rødbro.

When the shock had subsided, she started to unravel what had happened. And the error was simply occurring during a fagforeningsskift.
When the teachers ‘ union BUPL ten years ago took over her as a member from the Socialpædagogernes Association, there was an employee who manually put the cross at, that there should be paid to early retirement.

Annemarie Rødbro was not error. She just thought it was cheaper to be BUPL-member.

“There are some who will say that I have been a fjumrehoved, and should I really have to keep track of. But I do not think that it has been easy to figure out.”

along the Way, Annemarie Rødbro changed back to his original trade union, Socialpædagogernes, but also not here has anyone made her aware that she has not paid for the early retirement in almost ten years.

She had often been in contact with its a-box and wonder why.

“there’s not a single time where a cashier has asked for my social security number, so they could just check whether I paid for early retirement…”

So, had there been time to change the strategy for Annemarie Rødbro.

“If I five years ago had known, that I don’t get early retirement, so I could have put things to right after it. This is what I think is a svinestreg.”

the Consequence is now, that she after a period of unemployment is about to fall out of the unemployment benefit system and don’t have his retirement pay to fall back on. So now it’s either find a permanent work. Or end up on social assistance.

“I had imagined that I quietly had to begin my early retirement. I felt pretty burnt out after having been an Bahsegel educator for many years.”

The unfortunate woman is about to get used to, that the future looks different than expected, but she has a good piece of advice to others:

“Check! Check out! Check out! I have said this to people, ever since I found out about it: Check if you pay for your early retirement. It is super important. And you get no help,” says Annemarie Rødbro.

It was an employee of the BUPL’s a-box, who crossed to the wrong place, and it regrets a-kassechef Birgitte Rødsgaard Chemnitz very much.

“we are truly sorry and infuriating over. And it is expressed that there has been a human error,” she says to the DR Østjylland.

But the a-box may not immediately help the unfortunate member.

“We have a great understanding that she is experiencing to be in a very problematic and difficult situation. In such cases, there is the possibility of an appeal. So we await the decision in the ongoing case from the Danish Agency for Labour market and Recruitment,” says Birgitte Rødsgaard Chemnitz.

It was only a short visit, as Annemarie Rødbro had in BUPL. Today she is a member of Socialpædagogerne, who knows her case. Here says a-kassechef Palle Hansen.

“from a purely human judgement can there be a great disproportion between the small things, which we or the member might have done wrong, and the major implications it has for the member. It may well seem somewhat unfair that so small things need to have such fatal consequences.”

Annemarie Rødbros case is probably rare, but Socialpædagogerne in October had a similar case from the island of Fanø.

the Situation is the same, but the complaint is definitely and also the subsequent appeal. And Ankestyrelsen affirms that it is people’s own responsibility to keep an eye on their own economy.

“We must stand on the goal of all the rules that are in Arbejdsløshedsloven. Both those we like and those we might well be able to think for us was different,” says a-kassechef at Socialpædagogerne Palle Hansen.

But Annemarie Rødbro find it unfair that she should be punished for a mistake that another has committed.

“It’s a medarbejderfejl. And get the consequences for the employee? No, he is depersonalized. It is me, as a member, which are faced with all the problems.”