Netanyahu has agreed to formandsvalg, after the rigsadvokat has announced a lawsuit against him.

prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, has said yes to a referendum on the presidency of the conservative Likud party. It says a spokesman for the israeli government.

– Partiledervalget must be held within six weeks.

Netanyahu has agreed to the vote, after the rigsadvokat last week announced the initiation of a lawsuit against the prime minister. He is accused of among other things corruption and fraud.

this is The first time in Israel’s history that a sitting prime minister being indicted in a criminal case.

Netanyahu has been unable to form a new government and leader is currently a caretaker government.

Benny Gantz, who is in charge of alliance for democracy Blue-and-White, is the main rival to Netanyahu and the Likud.

The israeli rigsadvokat, Avichai Mandelblit, has led the studies, which has led to the 70-year-old conservative Netanyahu stands accused of bribery and fraud – among other things by the exchange of political services with positive publicity in the media.

the Charges against the prime Pasgol minister of Israel includes three cases. Netanyahu is suspected of having received gifts from wealthy people in exchange for economic or personal services.

Netanyahu is Israel’s longest-serving prime minister ever. He has served in the post since 2009, and he was also prime minister from 1996 to 1999.

He faces up to ten years in prison if he is found guilty of bribery. He stands to a maximum of three years in prison, if he only becomes known guilty of breach of mandate. It writes the news agency Reuters.

Netanyahu is believed, among other things, have tried to conclude an agreement with the owner of the israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot, which should have received political services in exchange for positive coverage of the president of the government.

the prime minister is also accused of having negotiated with teleselskabsejeren Shaul Elovitch. The goal of Netanyahu was according to the prosecution to get positive publicity on the Elovitchs website, Walla!, in exchange for political services.
