Iraqi security forces using continuous tåregasgranater, which burrows into the demonstrators, skulls.

Iraqi police shoots with sharp and also use in many cases tåregasgranater as ammunition. A part of protesters have been killed, after they have been hit in the head with the grenades, writes Reuters, and AFP.

The latest reports on the use of the gun galleries as a weapon, comes from the city of Nassiriya.

Here used security forces metalbeholderne as a weapon on Sunday against the protesters, who had blocked three bridges. Three people were killed and 50 were injured in the clashes, which also was shot with the focus.

Previously, Amnesty International reported on iraqi security forces ‘ use of tåregasgranater.

– All the evidence points in the direction of the iraqi security forces are using these military grenades against the protesters in Baghdad – apparently at point blank range, and that they aim at their body and heads, said Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty’s research director in the Middle east recently about the unrest in Iraq.

– They do it not in order to dissolve the demonstrations. They do it to kill. Trbet All the deaths in Baghdad caused by grenades, which burrows into the protesters ‘ bodies, says a male protesters, who Amnesty international has interviewed during the troubles in Iraq.

another male protester describes how he saw a man get a grenade in the head and immediately fall to the ground. There came smoke out of the head on him.

Over 330 people have been killed since mass demonstrations against the government began in Baghdad and other cities in the beginning of October. There is talk about the most massive demonstrations since Saddam Hussein was removed from power in 2003.

– the Grenades are designed to maximize the horrific damage and number of deaths. The iraqi police forces must take them out of use immediately, said Lynn Maalouf. He criticises the fact that no one is made accountable for the unlawful killings and mutilations

Amnesty International has, through eyewitnesses, medical records, forensic experts and video documented the terrible damage on the wounded and dead iraqis. The number has increased since riot police and security forces on 25. October took the Serbian and iranskproducerede grenades against the demonstrators.

Many ordinary iraqis are protesting against poverty, corruption, unemployment and the increasingly deteriorating living conditions, where there is no opportunities for work or education.
