Two men must be at least 28 years behind bars for plotting to decapitate people in Melbourne in christmas 2016.

the Two men have each been sentenced to 38 years in prison for having planned a terrorist attack in Melbourne on christmas day 2016. The first 28 years without the possibility of parole.

The supreme court in the australian city settled on Friday, Perabet writes the news agency dpa.

According to the prosecution had 27-year-old Ahmed Mohamed and a 29-year-old Abdullah Chaarani planned to decapitate people and trigger the bombs on the Federation Square in central Melbourne.

A third man linked to the attack, the 24-year-old Hamza Abbas, sentenced to 22 years in prison. The first 16.5 years without the possibility of parole.

Local media writes that it is during the long trial, among other things, it has emerged that the men had bought the machetes and the materials to produce bombs, just like they had tried to purchase firearms.

In her sentencing describes supreme court justice Christopher Beale the plans as “an attack on the fundamental values of our society”. It reports the tv station ABC.

According to the judge, the three men embraced Islamic State ideology, like they believe, that the planned attack would satisfy Allah.

– the Stupidity of the belief can only be equated with evil, he says, according to ABC.

During the trial has Ahmed Mohamed, who came to Australia from Egypt as a child, explained that he endorsed the plans, because he thought the Islamic State was “cool”, reports the ABC.

He further told that today he hates the militant group, and that he only participated because he was too “cowardly” to back out.

A fourth man, 25-year-old Ibrahim Abbas, who is the brother of Hamza Abbas, are already sitting in jail in the case. He was last year sentenced to 24 years in prison, to stand in the forefront of angrebsplanerne.

A part of his plan included to strap a vest full of explosives fixed on his brother.

Friday’s sentencing takes place, more than a year after the three men were found guilty by a jury.
