Recalls attack in 2017 grabbed the traders in Borough Market, and the panic broke out after the incident at London Bridge.

Since the authorities on Friday afternoon evacuated the Borough Market in London in connection with an alleged knivangreb at London Bridge, described the eyewitnesses, panic scenes.

the Market is located at the southern end of the bridge, and the attack may have awakened memories of an attack in 2017, where the three perpetrators first drove a truck into pedestrians on the bridge and then attack random on the market with the knife.

the 57-year-old Philip Crouch found himself in the Borough Market, as it Friday were evacuated. He tells to The newspaper The Independent about panic scenes, as the market had to be evacuated.

People came running through the garage shouting and screaming. It was chaos. The noise from all the screams were extraordinary. I have never heard of something like this. They were just in a panic, he says to the newspaper.

the Police have indicated that a cops Friday afternoon went out to reports of the stabbing on the bridge. When officers arrived, they shot a person. Several have been injured in connection with the incident.

Both Betebet Sky News and The newspaper The Guardian writes that the incident has cost human lives. Both have gained the information from sources with the authorities, who want to be anonymous. Police have not confirmed.

another witness tells the news agency PA that the episode in the first place not so out of it big.

– I thought that it was a car accident or similar, says Laurence Verfaillie to PA.

– Sudden told a trader to me that an ice cream vendor on the bridge came running and screamed that something had happened.

– another said that the police were chasing a person. Suddenly searched all in the safety in my shop, before we were told to leave the site.

– We still think of the last time, he says, referring to the attacks 3. June 2017.
