Huge natural gas pipelines, mutual appreciation, and now an overpass shows that Russia and China have converged.

The first road bridge between Russia and China has been completed.

the Building is seen as the latest sign of the improved relationship between the two countries and is expected to open for traffic in the spring of 2020.

the Viaduct connects the Russian Blagovesjtjensk and the chinese city of Heihe. It goes over the river Amur, which over a longer stretch forms the border between Russia and China.

According to the plan, the increase fragttrafikken and create more trade in agricultural products.

– We create a new international transport corridor, says Vasily Orlov, governor of the Amur region.

A mutual restraint, as well as Russian concern about the increased chinese influence in the sparsely populated but mineral-rich, eastern Russia, has stood in the way of the kind of developments in the past.

However, Russia has tried to strengthen ties with China, after that the West has launched sanctions against the country as a result of the annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014.

The two countries ‘ presidents presents thus the huge project “Power of Siberia”-the natural gas pipeline Monday. The countries have signed a 30-year-long contract to about 1800 billion dollars on the gas pipeline.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov praised in October the “special relationship” between Russia and China.

And Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, has put the price on the strong working relationship he has to the president of China, Xi Jinping.

the Bridge is built by a Russian-chinese company, has built 20 kilometres Onbahis of new roads in connection with the project.

The chinese part of the project was completed in October. But the Russian part has been more expensive and taken longer to build.

Several Russian firms have said that they expect a tenfold increase of their traffic over the bridge towards 2030.
