For the first time in 29 years, Swapo is not a two-thirds majority. President loses votes after the economic downturn.

the Namibian ruling party, Swapo, has lost its two-thirds majority.

the Party has got to 65.5 percent of the votes in Wednesday’s elections to the european parliament shall notify the electoral commission in the south african country on Saturday night.

this is The first time since independence from south Africa in 1990, Swapo did not have at least two-thirds of the seats in parliament, but must be content with 63 of 96 seats.

Swapos nearest rival, the Popular Democratic Movement, Venüsbet was at 16.6 percent, which provides 16 seats in the parliament.

the Results also show that the president Hage Geingob is re-elected with 56,3% of the vote in the presidential election, which took place on the same day.

the Result is very far from the landslide victory in the elections in 2014, when the now 78-year-old president secured victory with 87 percent of the vote according to official results.

He has lost support in the population because of a corruption scandal and a worsening economy.

The independent candidate Panduleni Itula, who had the fight against corruption as his priority, was 29.4%.

Itula is especially popular among Namibian young voters, who find it difficult to find work.

It was the first time that he asked up to the presidential election.

voter Turnout was 61 percent. About a third of them are young voters, born after the independence in 1990, informs the election commission.
