A man is dead after he triggered a trap, he allegedly even had set up in his home by the american holiday ‘thanksgiving’.

A 65-year-old man from the city of Van Buren in the state of Maine in the UNITED states died 28. november in his home after being shot by a gun, he, according to police in the city, allegedly had himself installed in a trap.

This writes the american nyhedsmedie ABC Jokerbet News.

the Trap was set such that a gun would go off at all, having entered by the front door in the man’s home.

Grænsepatruljen in the city moved out to the site, after having received a call, and found then several traps mounted in the 65-year-olds home.

After rescuers did their best, it was clear that they could not save the man’s life, and he died of his injuries.

“Unfortunately perished (the man, red.) of its damages in connection with the pistolskuddet,” said Van Burens police in a communication.

It is unknown why the man had set traps in his home, just as it is unknown how it was that he triggered the trap.