the Goal was, that the case of the missing milliardærfrue Anne-Elisabeth Hagen would have to be resolved before the end of the year.

But with only 32 days left of the year it is no longer quite so realistic. .

It recognizes, the before optimistic efterforskningsleder Tommy Brøske opposite the Norwegian VG.

“In common with all the others, we see the that we are rapidly approaching a new year, and the chance to solve the case before christmas become still less,” he says.

It is Jojobet only a month and a half ago, he and the rest of the investigating team for the first time gave the public a glimpse of a time horizon.

And here it sounded as I said, that was worked to have the matter cleared up before 2020. Something is still not completely exclude, even if the clock strikes:

“We continue to believe that the case is possible to solve. We do not exclude, that we can achieve a breakthrough in 2019,” he says.

He explains that there is a plan for the coming weeks and months, but what this specifically goes out, he may not deepen for now.

When – or if – the case is solved, however, Norwegian police, however, not with that forsvindingssagen get a happy ending.

the Theory is, in fact, that she has been killed in connection with that she disappeared from her home 31. October of last year.

No one has heard from her since, and there was left a trusselsbrev at the address.

Yet the family – including her husband Tom Hagen – not yet abandoned the hope of finding her alive.