the Labour party has pursued a policy that makes terrorists such as Usman Khan may be released on parole, criticizes Johnson.

Britain’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, will imprison terrorists and throw away the key.

he says in an interview with british newspaper The Sunday Times, after he Saturday night announced new anti-terrorism laws.

If The Conservative Party wins the british general elections 12. december, promises Johnson so that the terrorists will come to serve their entire sentence and no longer be eligible for early parole.

According to Boris Johnson to convicted terrorists spend at least 14 years behind bars.

Johnson’s statement comes in the wake of a knivangreb on the London Bridge Friday afternoon. Here reached the 28-year-old Usman Khan to kill a man and a woman and hurt three other people before a police officer shot and killed him on the bridge.

Khan, who was a british citizen of pakistani descent, was an old acquaintance of the police and the courts in the Uk. He was in 2012 convicted of terrorism, along with eight other islamic radicals.

If it was to the judge who sentenced him in 2012, should Khan have never had the opportunity to perform a new act of terrorism. For he would “remain a significant risk to the public” even after a lengthy prison sentence, said the judge at the time, according to The Sun newspaper.

Khan was sentenced to imprisonment for an indefinite period of time. He had to first be freed, when one considered that he was no longer a danger to others.

It was the year after changed to 16 years in prison, with the possibility of parole after eight years.

In december last year, he was released on parole and are equipped with electronic fodlænke.

the Circumstances surrounding Usman Khan’s parole has caused a political outcry in the Uk shortly before the election. Labour’s leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has branded the release as “a complete disaster” and called for a “very thorough investigation”.

Meanwhile, accusing prime minister Boris Johnson, former Labour governments to pursue a policy that makes that dangerous criminals like Khan may be released on parole.

– These criminals must serve every day of their punishment – without exception, says Johnson to The Sunday Times.

At the moment is Kralbet 70 convicted terrorists on parole from the british prison. This scheme promises Johnson to put an end to, if he wins the election.
