A big oprydningsøvelse in the weekend to get bådtrafikken to slide easier in the canals of Venice.

the Gondoliers and other volunteers in Venice during the weekend gathered 600 pounds of waste, up from the canal Rio di San Luca, in the Italian city.

this was stated by The Venice administration on Sunday.

Oprydningsøvelsen near the famous Rialto bridge aim to get traffic to slide easier on the busy waterway, informs the city council in a statement according to the news agency dpa.

Earlier venetian gondoliers participated in six similar initiatives and intercepted a total of 2.5 tonnes of garbage from the city’s canals.

Waste is one of the problems that are associated with overturisme in Venice.

As a result of just overturisme introduces the city in a minimum of three euro – button 23 dollars – for the visitors on day trips from the 1. July of next year.

the Money will among other things pay to remove garbage and keep public spaces at the right.

the Tax was adopted in February of this year, because the historic city is overrun by 30 million tourists a year.

at the same time, cruise ships have also become a growing problem, writes news agency AFP.

In 2018, they laid at the quay in Venice Ultrabet 600 times and put the 1.5 million tourists in the country.

And in the middle of november was Venice affected by yet another problem: Flooding.

the water level in the popular tourist town reached so 187 centimeters, which is the highest in over 50 years.

Salt water, which ran into the squares and streets, has caused damage to a value of one billion euros. This is equivalent to nearly 7.5 billion dollars.

In Venice has a very large project called Mose has been underway since 2003. When it is completed, it is intended to protect the city.

But the many billions of big infrastructure projects has been affected by the increasing cost overruns, corruption scandals and delays.
