Danish cycling fans get busy, when all the Danish cykelstjerner must be followed on the World Tour next season.

To the 2020 season cykelfelter will be packed with Danish riders. Really many even.

In the time of writing, namely 20 danes, which, according to The International cycling federation, UCI, is reported ready to take the world’s roads at the highest level, and it is something which pleased the former cyclist Thomas Bay, commenting on the issue of cycling on Eurosport:

“We’ve hit a golden period in Danish cycling, and without being called jubelidiot I can now put me down and comment on any cycling and mention a dane among the favorites every time. It is quite unique.”

Danes is the new black

It is not only at home, which will be noticed to the Danish dominance in the cykelfronten. – Also abroad-are you aware of the success.

“It is my clear impression that the danes are in high demand. In the past, it was a little bit cautious with regard to the development potential of the young Danish riders in the World Tour level, but now you can see that the danes will be to develop and quickly begins to deliver at a high level,” says coach Anders Lund to the B. T.

And the danes ‘ high market value is also something that Thomas Bay have noticed.

“Quantitatively, we are so strong, that there is no team owner – with respect for themselves – which must not have a dane on the team. Danish cyclists has become the new black,” he says.

Profiles to open the door for the new generation

In the next season is 20 Danish riders distributed across 12 World Tour teams, and this means that the new generation of Danish talents have more opportunities to enter the big stage.

“From having only one window, so there are now 12 windows, where the Danish profiles act as ambassadors for Danish cycling. The danes have a reputation for having a high level, and they are easy to be with. If it is running sporting and socially, so open it is often the door for the next generation,” says Anders Lund.

The good results, which, among other Mads Pedersen, Jakob Fuglsang, Michael Valgren and Magnus Cort has performed in recent years, has meant that all sorts of holdejere has a keen eye on Denmark as cykelnation.

“I’m damn not sure that people like Mathias Norsgaard and Rasmus Iversen was smoked for teams such as Movistar and Lotto Soudal, if it was, because the danes are hot at the moment. We have shown that we are İllegal Bahis able to deliver talent, and it is a quality stamp in itself,” says fraThomas Bay.

Not enough just to tread hard on the pedals

the Newest member of the danskerinvasionen on next season’s World Tour is 22-year-old Mathias Norsgaard, who recently signed a two year contract with Movistar, and he points to several reasons why the Danish cycling experience a huge success.

“The Danish talent pool is gigantic. It is the fucking harder to run the race some times when you are at home in Denmark. There is massive competition in the ungdomsrækkerne, and it does just that the talents are forced to improve even more, if they will assert itself,” he says to B. T.

The young cyclist pointing also to an initiative from the Danish Cykelunion, who has decided that the Danish cyclists must have a plan for education, if they are to have do hope to get on the ungdomslandsholdene.

“It is not enough just to be able to step hard on the pedals. You also have to have knowledge, and it gives just a security when sitting on the bike. Anders Lund has taken care of that we not only need to be good to run on the bike – we must also be the whole people,” saith the Norsgaard.

the world championships Mads Pedersen, a Liège-Bastogne-liege city centre-the triumph of Jakob Fuglsang and the world championships in the Tour de France last year, Magnus Cort are just some of the results, as the Danish cycling has been able to showcase in recent years.

Before the WORLD championships in september was Denmark’s number 10 on the world ranking, and for the summer the fine location meant that waiting for the entire four-OL-seats to Denmark, when Fuglsangs silver medal from 2016 must be defended.

Since 2009, the French cycling team Cofidis have not been a part of the World Tour, but it is expected that the team once again becomes it, when the UCI in december to take a position on the team’s application to get in again.

it Happens, Denmark will be getting another dane more at the highest level, as the 29-year-old Jesper Hansen are on contract with the Cofidis.