Since the disappointment at the european championships last year has håndboldkvinderne worked hard to overcome adversity on the field.

After the WORLD cup gyseren against south Korea on Sunday said both the players and the coach Klavs Bruun Jørgensen, a håndboldlandsholdet in contrast to earlier stood up and tightened the grip, since it is so difficult out.

Denmark was behind 10-13 at the break and with four goals in the second half, but did anyway in a draw 26-26. And it is no coincidence that the team has been better at handling adversity on the field.

the Problem has been centrally placed on the agenda by landsholdssamlingerne since the disappointing european championship performance last year.

Since then, players have had a number of meetings with sportspsykolog Anders Bendixen in search of a better charisma on the pitch.

– in The case that the term sometimes has been too flat, explains Anders Bendixen.

– You would like to come up with a little more edge and a little more attitude, and you would like to be clearer both to themselves and opponents on who you are and want to be, says mentaltræneren.

At the european championship was the team’s bottom level too low, and the players had a hard time finding back to the concept, when adversity showed up.

– We have worked very hard to find out what happens when we get the outcome, says stregspilleren Sarah Iversen.

Håndboldkvinderne lost after a good start three games in a row at the european championships, before finishing the tournament with a victory over Montenegro.

Just the last battle has since been highlighted as an example of the aggressiveness, the team preferably should signal every time it goes on the track.

– We must have the wildness in all of the matches. Last year we learned a lot about how we don’t want it, and it teaches you some times the hard way, says Anne Mette Hansen.

The strong back to the future even more determined to make sure that teammates are being held to the fire.

– We have talked about roles on the team, and who it is there to whip the team in time. It is, among other things me that should help get whipped up an atmosphere, says Györ-player.

the Task is about much more than a scream – and the opponents in the head.

the Intensity of the team has been screwed in the weather outside of the track, in the locker room and on the spillerhotellet.

– I must Casino Siteleri go and push a little to the people on the pitch before the match during warm up. All the time talk handball, also when we go down to lunch on the day. I can say: “Remember to do such and such”.

– I think it is natural for me. I try in each case to show attitude and charisma. Therefore, it might be easier for me to be the whip, says Anne Mette Hansen.

the Communication between the players and the coaches have also been placed on the agenda, and along the way in the ongoing WORLD cup tournament, the audience will probably experience a more cash and driving coach.

– There has come a greater understanding, that we may well be ruthless to each other and to make high demands, while at the same time we want each other the best, says coach Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.

– the greater The trust, there is to me, the more I can give – for instance, in timeouter, where I freak out. It may be that there will be more of it, says Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.
