the Government will allocate 1.5 billion dollars for security in the Arctic. I am the UNITED states, says the prime minister.

president of the UNITED states has not hidden his love for Greenland and the Arctic. Wednesday he gets the chance for a talk with prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) of the cold north.

Donald Trump has previously said that he would buy the Greenland. It was gently, but firmly, refused by the prime minister.

– The Danish position around Greenland is completely well-known. I believe that we are going to discuss many things.

– We will, of course, to discuss Greenland and the Arctic, says the prime minister in London, where there is a summit of Nato on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The most important message from the Danish side is, according to Mette Frederiksen, the Danish ‘desire to prioritise their efforts around the Arctic”.

– It’s about what happens in the air. Our ability to monitor what is happening. But also in the sea. Increased monitoring of the ubådsaktivitet. We are consolidating our efforts, and I know that the americans are happy, she says.

the Government will give 1.5 billion dollars to the Arctic, as the area “is becoming increasingly important also in terms of security policy”.

the Prime minister will, however, not go into the details of what specifically should be the priority. But she points out that there must be increased monitoring both in the air and in the sea.

the Prime minister has an expectation that the two will also be discussing security and foreign policy in the Middle east and Nato’s future.

Denmark is participating in the summit in London with a clear commitment to Nato. There is “no alternative to Nato”, she stresses.

How is it, and how it must be, according to Lars Bangert Struwe, who is the secretary general of the think tank Atlantsammenslutningen.

Denmark, as we usually do, show us as the very loyal partner of Nato. We are so transatlantic oriented, as it has almost can be done. So oriented towards what is happening in the UNITED states, he says.

the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, has before the meeting in London questioned whether Nato also in the future will stand for Europe’s defense.

The point of view he stands provisionally alone with, and he can’t lure Mette Frederiksen with his thoughts, although on Denmark at the same time is part of France’s military alliance – EII – with over ten participating countries.
