If some have been in doubt as to whether Roger Federer is popular in and outside of his home country, doubts have been put to shame.

on Monday it was possible to get your hands on a completely, the particular coin in a pre-sale.

more specifically, a 20 swiss franc coin in silver, where Roger Federer hits a backhand. But since the sale of the coins became available at møntfirmaet Swissmint, which exhibits the coins, went salgshjemmesiden down unexpectedly.

“We had 2.5 million clicks. It could be the website is not clear,” explains Marius Haldimann, director of Swissmint, according to the media news.aus.com.

the Reason for the high demand arises from the fact that Roger Federer is the first living person, which will be celebrated with a coin in their home country.

in Addition, it is pre-announced, that only gets released 35.000 coins of precisely the kind which makes it extra valuable for the starved fans.

Swissmint was quite excelent aware of the great demand. But the demand was so great, was still behind them.

“we had never imagined. But when Roger made a posting on his social media, we had the same problems. Some fans got access to the website, but could not find the order. Others could not get into the website,” explains Marius Haldimann.

On Instagram thanked Roger Federer for the hyldesten, then 15,000 coins, therefore, were torn away by those who got access. The remaining will be available in January when the website will probably be in the full vigor again.

also failed here to obtain a coin, there is still little hope ahead. In may, it is in fact the plan, to appear a new 50 swiss franc-coin. Also with Roger Federer on – this time flanked by gold.

Besides the coins have monetary value, they are also collectibles for several of the buyers.

Roger Federer is the player who has won the most grand slam titles on herresiden ever. 20 in all, has been to the page through time.