on Monday night, police were in Tromsø vocation to the coast in the city, where a mother and her three children were found in the cold seawater. The mother and her six-year-old child did not survive.

It has now come forward, what the mother did shortly before they were found in the water.

The deceased woman, who is suspected of murder and attempted murder of her three children, went to test, in Norwegian, earlier the same day.

She was a student at the Voksenopplæringen, it is a part of the introduction program in Tromsø Municipality. It confirms the department director in the municipality, Kari Henriksen, of for VG.

the Family until Monday evening consisted of mother, father and three children, comes from Sudan and has temporarily stay in Norway.

“There was nothing in the situation which gave reason for concern,” says Kari Henriksen to the media.

Some hours after was she and the three children into the ocean off of the Tromsø coast.

The two youngest children fighting right now for their lives in the national hospital of Norway, where the children’s father is also living.

He has been questioned by the police, and is being treated as a witness.

In Tromsø has several, well-known or well-known to the family, gathered in the islamic center of North-Norway and in the al-Rahma mosque.

“She’s been referred to as friendly,” says the centre’s vice-president Abdikafi Osman.

He says that many of the trosfællerne has reacted strongly to the incident.