After having spent large parts of the summer in the Swedish prison, wanted rapper A$AP Rocky to give a concert there.

The american rapper A$AP Rocky has been refused to play a concert in a Swedish prison, where he in the summer sat in custody in a deadliest single targeted killing.

It writes the Swedish news agency TT.

the Refusal by the Swedish probation on the grounds that the request is coming with a short notice.

– Unfortunately, we are forced to reject the application. A concert will be a comprehensive process with logistical and security issues.

– There has not been enough time made available, and we are therefore not able to approve a concert, says William Grevik, who is head of division at prison and probation in Sweden.

the Prison received Monday the application from the rapperens legal advisers. He wanted to play a concert in Kronobergsfængslet or, alternatively, to another prison in the vicinity of the Swedish capital, Stockholm.

In the application was, moreover, that the concert would be well over ten songs, and the rapper wanted to document the concert, which required a camera crew of four to five persons.

A$AP Rocky would have played a concert in one of Stockholm’s prisons either 11. or 12. december.

already he has planned a concert in the big arena, Globen in Sweden 11. december.

After a month of pre-trial detention in Kronoberg was A$AP Rocky released in the beginning of august. Later, he was found guilty in violence committed against a 19-year-old man in Stockholm earlier in the summer.

However, he got off to was in prison again, when he was given a suspended prison sentence.

A$AP rocky’s civil name is Rakim the Words. Besides him were two of his friends are convicted of violence by the district court in Stockholm in august.

the Case caused a stir. Not least because the president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, interfered and urged the prime minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven, to release A$AP Rocky, while he was yet in custody.
