Donald Trump called Mette Frederiksen’s comment of “nasty”, but the relationship is good, says Frederiksen.

The us president, Donald Trump, has the habit of talking in very big letters, when he meets other Nato allies, which – according to him – not spend enough money on defence.

Denmark is among the two-thirds of the Nato countries, who do not spend two percent of gross domestic product (gdp) on defence, as has been the common goal of Nato since 2014.

The Danish prime minister declares itself however, is completely calm prior to the meeting.

– I’m not at all embarrassed, and it is there none in Denmark, who have reason to be, says the prime minister on the way to the Nato summit in Watford, north of London.

Denmark is using this year to 1.32 percent of gdp on defense, but the arrow is pointing up. The reverse is Denmark is strong when it applies an active force, as a participant in international missions.

Earlier this year, the two had a diplomatic clash, as Trump would buy the Greenland. It was rejected by Greenland and Denmark, and Mette Frederiksen, called the whole debate about a sale of “the absurd”. Ago called Trump the prime minister’s comment of “nasty”.

The two then had a meeting in New York city, and the relationship is good, says Mette Frederiksen.

– We have a really good relationship to each other. Yes, you can smoke some of the words through the air, but the crucial thing is that you plan with each other and trust each other, says Mette Frederiksen.

While the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, has raised the question whether Nato also in the future must be the answer to security for Europe, then the prime minister completely stuck on the fact that it can only be Nato.

the Relation to, in particular, the UNITED states is particularly important, she believes.

– the UNITED states is, in my eyes, our most important allies. We need to speak foreign and security policy and to confirm our good mutual relationship. This is the key, says Mette Frederiksen.

the Government has before the meeting, presented a plan, which means that Denmark is to spend 1.5 billion dollars on increased monitoring in the Arctic – in the air and in the sea.

in fact I think that the us president looks at Denmark with positive eyes. We have a close cooperation, and we are very close allies, she says.

In the Arctic the Russian ubådsaktivitet and stormagtsrivalisering, which are of concern to Denmark.
