The Swedish government’s supporting parties are fuming disagree on privatization. No one knows where the crisis ends.

Prime minister Stefan Löfvens government of sweden has run into big problems.

Støttepartiet the left party is greatly dissatisfied with the government’s project of privatization of the employment service OF.

Now, says the party, that it will bring a mistillidsafstemning on the minister of labour Eva the Bear to a vote in the Riksdag in Stockholm.

the left party is out on the political left, and is it Löfven and his social democrats, who are in coalition with Miljöpartiet.

But the centre party and the Liberalerna, there are centrist bourgeois parties, is also supporting parties.

They signed in January an agreement with the Social democrats and Miljöparftiet, and in the so-called januaraftale is that the privatisation of OF.

The civil opposition to the government and støttepartierne has declared that it will vote for mistrust to the minister of employment, and then there is the majority.

That was Thursday not set a date for the vote, and in the late afternoon called for Löfven its support to the meeting to discuss the situation.

– The next step for me is that the parties behind the januaraftalen are discussing how to proceed, says Löfven, according to Reuters.

Annelie Karlsson, The group chairman, says to Expressen, that it is possible that it ends with the resignation of the government. But it is too early to say.

– the Alternative is that we continue and nominate a new minister of labour, or say, that it is not possible to govern with the structure we have today.

it can end with the elections, is uncertain.

Annelie Karlsson has also spoken to Aftonbladet, and to the newspaper she says that new elections can be currently.

however, There are several parties that will do what they can to hold a new election far away – if they believe in the latest polls.

It applies, for example, the Social democrats, who have poor measurements.

At the turn, storming the indvandrerkritiske Sverigedemokraterna forward and is to be the Parliament’s second largest party after the Social democrats – if there was an election now.
