According to rumors online, Kim Kardashian is said to sleep with her eyes half open, has six toes on one foot and has founded her own church. As crazy as some theories may sound, they are partly based on the truth. Now Kardashian has confirmed some of the rumors that have been circulating about her for years.

On Monday evening, Kardashian was a guest on the talk show “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” Host Jimmy Kimmel asked the entrepreneur about some rumors and asked her to confirm or deny them in a game. For example, the talk show host asked Kardashian whether it was true that she blow-dryed her jewelry before putting it on. “Yes, that’s right. I hate being cold, and when you put on cold jewelry or something with a zipper, it just has to be warm, only then do I put it on. Or even a dress made of mesh metal. Anything like chain mail.”

Next, Kimmel asked the 43-year-old if it was true that she washes her feet every night before she goes to bed. Kardashian also confirmed this. And then it got scary: “Do you sleep with your eyes slightly open?” asked the moderator. Kardashian: “I do… there are recordings because my sisters made videos.” Kardashian also confirmed the rumor that she celebrated her 14th birthday at Michael Jackson’s (1958-2009) “Neverland Ranch”.

Another strange rumor: Does Kardashian have an employee who takes the cardboard wrapper off the to-go coffee because she hates the sound of cardboard? “Yes, that’s true,” she confirmed. “I hate the feeling. No matter who I’m with, I can’t see how it’s done, I can’t hear it and I can’t feel it. When the cardboard is removed from the cup, it’s like fingernails to me on a blackboard.”

It’s also true that Kardashian once released her own fitness DVD called “Kim Kardashian: Fit in Your Jeans by Friday” and that she can change a tire because her stepfather taught her. “And I’ve had to do it before,” said the 43-year-old.

Kimmel further asked if it was true that the reality star started his own church. “My mom did that,” Kardashian confirmed. And what’s behind the rumor that the 43-year-old has more than five toes on one foot? “No, but that was a big deal. Everyone thought I had six toes!”

Kim Kardashian also said in an interview with Kimmel that her family lived next door to pop icon Madonna (65) during her childhood. She and her sister Kourtney (45) regularly walked Madonna’s dogs. “In return we received jewelry from her,” Kardashian said. As an adult, she lived in the same neighborhood as the “Queen of Pop”.

Kim Kardashian is currently in the headlines with another rumor: pop singer Taylor Swift is said to be teasing Kim Kardashian with a song on her latest album. The backstory: In 2016, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift publicly argued. West claimed at the time that Swift approved a song that mentioned her name. The lyric “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/ Why? I made that bitch famous” is said to have deviated from previous lyrics. Swift called West at the time and expressed concerns. What she didn’t know: West’s ex-wife, Kim Kardashian, recorded the phone call and published it.

Swift’s new song “thanK you aIMee” – note the capitalization of the letters “KIM” – is part of the double album The Tortured Poets Department released. The song is about bullying.

After the track’s release, Swifties stormed Kim Kardashian’s comment columns on social media. Kardashian has now lost more than 100,000 followers on Instagram. People magazine cites a source close to the reality star as saying that Kim Kardashian has had enough of the arguments that happened years ago. “She thinks Taylor Swift should get over it,” says People.