According to the AGF coach David Nielsen has especially defensive been essential for the autumn has been a success.

AGF has rendered beautiful in the autumn and achieved good results, which so far has placed aarhusianerne third in the 3F League.

Prior to the last round in the autumn AGF 33 points for 19 matches and has not lost in the last five superligaopgør.

The good results and the great pointhøst is mainly due to a solid defensive, believes head coach David Nielsen.

– Defensive has taken a big nøk up, and so has our goalkeeper William Eskelinen nearly kept the goal clean in the half of the struggles he has faced, ” notes David Nielsen.

Sunday played AGF 1-1 draw with Lyngby, and it was without a captain and midterforsvar Niklas Backman, who had quarantined.

Therefore played Frederik Tingager from the start partnered at the back by the side of the young Sebastian Hausner, who later had to retire with an injury.

– Jesper Juelsgård came in, and we moved Tingager over to the right, and I think they handled very well, says cheftræneren about the many rokeringer on the defensive.

the Offensive has also been bountiful for AGF in the fall, where, among other winger Mustapha Bundu has contributed with eight goals and five assists.

AGF striker Patrick Mortensen, who has scored seven goals in the fall, is not surprised that the team currently is in third place in the premier League.

– We have played really well throughout the season, and we have found a good balance between playing directly and patiently in the course of the fighting.

– Then we have of course also a lot of dangerous individuals, where, in particular, Bundu has been crucial and has created space for the rest of us, says Patrick Mortensen.

In the autumn of the last betting round must AGF to Herning and meeting unique in scandinavia because the førerhold FC Midtjylland.
