DIRECT The arrangements for the investiture of Pedro Sanchez, the last time in direct PSOE and we Can agree to raise taxes on high incomes and to repeal in part the labor reform full Text of the agreement of coalition PSOE-Can Religion will count for the grade average and will not have alternative

Of the 52 pages of the agreement of Government between the PSOE and United we Can, little more than a folio is dedicated to the culture, we want to ensure as a right” and “fight the precariousness” of the sector. The first of the seven points on the culture speaks of a covenant of the State that is driving this activity, that “to increase their weight in the GDP”. “We will increase gradually the budget for Culture in the General Budgets of the State”, is stressed in the document, although without any detail.

The first General State Budget submitted by the Government of the PSOE, in January of 2019, and included a 9.7% increase from the amount allocated to the sector, which went from 869 to 953 million. The culture was going to represent the 0.3% of the budget allocation. Is by see how to increase that percentage.

Of the most interesting of the text is perhaps the third point, which would leave aside the General Society of Authors and Editors (SGAE), today partially restored by the Ministry of Culture after years of fighting and numerous court cases. Thus, the agreement proposes to create a Bureau of copyright at the ministry, “that is responsible for the protection of intellectual property” and “for the good functioning of the governing bodies of the entities of copyright management”, an allusion to the situation of the SGAE.

in Addition, you want to develop the Status of the Artist, adopted by the end of 2018 by the Council of Ministers, with measures such as “improving the recognition of occupational diseases, the periods of creation and formation, as well as the professional transition at the end of the artistic careers”. It also aims to “update the protections for unemployment”.

After the announced agreement with the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) and waiting for the definitive yes of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), the text points out the impetus “to the production and visibility of the artistic creations and cultural in the different co-official languages and own, especially in the cinematic arts”. Along with this, an aspiration that sounds naíf: “we are Going to strengthen the cultural communication between the autonomous communities”.

games of Pedro Sanchez and Pablo Iglesias, in the program that it has had access to THE COUNTRY, opt for a clear emphasis feminist, who in the culture is moved to “drive a Plan of Action on Equality to give visibility to authors, artists, and creators made invisible, eliminating gender gaps and to promote equality from the different cultural manifestations”.

The publishing industry only points to “a Compact for Reading put in value the arc that goes from the writer to those who read in the book sector”, without mentioning any concrete measures.

Finally, there is a point about Radio Televisión Española (RTVE), which argues that to respond to “a model pluralistic, independent, public, transparent, and quality”, oriented towards “the promotion and diffusion of the Spanish culture, encouraging the renewal of the Board of Directors”.