With an additional rule of conduct will prevent the Federal office of public health, the spread of the new Coronavirus in Switzerland as: “distance,” since Thursday on posters and flyers with the title “we protect us”. Especially older people are to be protected by the measure against infection. Also in the workplace as well as in the Queues, in transport or at train stations, the Federal government recommends that from now on, the “social distancing”.

Effectively, the call to comply with social distance, for example, in some cities in the United States during the Spanish flu of 1918 was. The historian Philipp Sarasin, has studied the history of Hygiene, sees Parallels to the Aids crisis in the 80s in Switzerland.

“then, Too, the authorities advised measures, the population Behavior, such as the use of condoms.” As a result, the infection rate had declined.

“Devastating consequences”

Epidemiologically, it makes sense to forego the opportunity to give the Welcome to the Hand or distance to the observed, says Sarasin. “You can nod Yes to that, too.” For the historian of the University of Zurich the prompt, the Federal government has to the Individual, in public life, certain rules of conduct, nothing to do with a “rule of projection of Power”, as you’ll such as in the erection of quarantines significantly.

In the “cordon sanitaire” would the Sick and the sick will be clearly separated, the transmission paths to interrupt. Now the Federal call only individual measures of Behaviour to follow.

Social distancing could also be to the exclusion, for example, if Passengers are not in the proximity of people with “Chinese” appearance would. “To be able to identify certain groups of people as a carrier of a disease, the consequences are devastating.”


How are you supposed to salute now?

I’m now getting the elbow greeting
I nod, only
Footsie is the most hygienic
The Japanese bow!
Waving from the other side of the road
pure panic, I do everything the same as before

I’m now getting the elbow greeting


I nod only


Footsie is the most hygienic


The Japanese bow!


Waving from the other side of the road


pure panic, I do everything the same as before


209 votes

I’m now getting the elbow greeting


I nod only


Footsie is the most hygienic


The Japanese bow!


Waving from the other side of the road


pure panic, I do everything the same as before


209 votes

The sociologist Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz believes that the recommendations of the Federal government could have more serious consequences, as one assumes at first glance. “We have to do it with a kind of crisis experiment, in which, of course, to the realities of everyday life are lifted.”

If something happens, will show at once how much social mediation stick around in greeting forms and how important they are for social cohesion far more than on the movements themselves it is foreseeable, whether it’s the handshake, the Pat on the back or the Verküssen.

U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence, who is responsible for the Dossier Coronavirus in the United States, makes the elbow greeting in Tacoma, Washington. Photo: Reuters

For all of this, it is important to find another form of expression. Also the elbow greeting as a replacement for this reason alone, a little suitable, if the people would interact with the recommended two-Meter-distance, inter, says Merz-Benz. “You will see in the future, probably in a certain way or smile at you – or not.”

young Swiss women ever dictate how you should be in the Public’s behavior? Merz-Benz believed that the young Generation does not want to let in the habitual Act rather too much of a bother. “One gets the impression that you lose a part of your Self, if you can’t attend certain events.”

“Who sits at the PC all day, the world is already distant, already social.”Sociologist Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz

Here, the sociologist also sees the risk of “social distancing”. Certain forms of social life would be suspended at once, for example, could not meet a certain scene in a Restaurant, thereby increasing the visitors in their social identity would be limited. If the carnival does not take place, meant for the born Work is nothing Less than a part of his Person could not be held.

Distancing and Isolation is a challenge in a society in which there are developments like the “cocooning,” so the Lull in the living room or hanging out with the “Netflix and chill”? “Who sits at the PC all day, the world is already distant, already social,” says Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz. “You can implement today as a Person, just by being present.”

historian Philipp Sarasin refers to the logistical effort, with the the closed million city of Wuhan in China is currently being fed: “All Home Delivery, we know we already good.”

Created: 06.03.2020, 15:25 PM