not over-Crowded trains, long queues in post offices and shops, and dense crowds in Restaurants, Especially in big cities, it is sometimes difficult to feel like sardines in a sardine can. But the current times demand to distance themselves. The time of the Intro the fourth was now come, joked a Twitter user. The Federal Council added that on Wednesday evening, namely the Federal office for health (BAG) campaign “we protect us” to the recommendation to maintain a “certain distance” to other people, especially the most vulnerable – to protect the Old and Preloaded–.

anyone Who commutes or in the office working, but A implementation of these recommendations is extremely difficult. Some companies have already implemented concrete measures. For example, the Ems-Chemie to SVP-politician, Magdalena Martullo-Blocher. In the Cafeteria of the company, only two persons may sit per table, reported to the “view”. The dining tables are marked in red, to ensure a distance of 1.5 meters.

Red lines to mark in the Cafeteria of Ems-Chemie, the dining seats. Photo: Screenshot

Similar measures, the Swiss chocolate manufacturer Lindt & Sprüngli has made. Employees at the headquarters in Kilchberg may only go staggered into the lunch break in the Cafeteria, only every second space-occupying, confirmed a spokesperson to “20 minutes”.

In the social networks, the recommendation of the Federal Council, provided, however, for plenty of mockery. “In times of #Covid_19 half a Tram on a busy track schedule. You can make love @zvv, but that is difficult with the safety distance,” writes a Twitter user. The channel of the Zurich transport network (ZVV) said: “On busy lines is/will it keep up with the Distance generally is a challenge.” To request a media spokesperson for the Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich (VBZ says), to give a holding at the present time, information about the planned measures with respect to the Distance.

SBB recommends home office

It shows that the public transport will be in terms of pandemic-fighting in the future in front of huge challenges. Currently, it relies mainly on the initiative of the commuter and waits for further instructions. The Lead lying in the BAG, explained, SBB-spokesman Oli Dischoe. “Should return the BAG recommendations, or order measures to be taken, would implement the SBB as soon as possible.”

As commuters should conduct themselves now? BAG-spokesman Daniel Dauwalder says: “In the public transport sector, as in all other places, where many people stay and you can’t Dodge, we recommend our hygiene measures, first and foremost wash your hands or disinfect.” Who could, should use the public TRANSPORT outside of peak hours.

internally implemented in the SBB also measures. So customers no longer have to take companions and companion for the Swiss passport of the passengers in the case of the control in the Hand. In addition, the companies recommend their employees to work when possible in the home office, says Dischoe. Trains from and to Italy are disinfected by the SBB at the behest of the Italian authorities on a daily basis.

banks share critical Teams

other companies in the public life of a Corona problem faced. At UBS, it has recently started on the so-called Split Operations. For the operation of the business critical Teams are divided up, so that infection does not equal the whole Team fails. In offices in the Pacific region would be implemented, this measure already, says a UBS spokesman on request. In Switzerland, this was also planned.

Also in the case of Credit Suisse, the concept of Split Operations would be implemented already, says spokesman Ronnie Y. Petermann. At their locations the big Bank have also increased the cleanliness and hygiene rules.

cleaning measures intensified

safety and Hygiene, you also look at the Fast-Food chain McDonald’s, it is called by the Swiss media Agency. You’ve stepped up the Cleaning procedures again. “For the guests we have placed next to the ordering kiosks, Dispensers, so you can sanitize your hands. Via the campaign of the BAG, we also communicate protective measures to our guests in the Restaurants.” Because it was at McDonald’s, a quick service restaurant, were the meetings generally rather short. “In the Restaurants it comes due to the new ordering kiosks, no snakes,” says the media relations office.

The Migros recognizes according to its own information, the seriousness of the situation. Marcel Schlatter, media spokesman of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives, says, “We take the spread of the Coronavirus very seriously and meet at the Migros crisis unit for four weeks of intensive provision for various eventualities.” To speak of measures only if these would actually be implemented.

just like the Migros also competitor to Coop’s stressed, to adhere to the official recommendations by the authorities and to inform the employees and to instruct. Information about concrete measures for Social Distancing, however, also Coop.

Post crisis unit activated

Also in the Post, the Virus is an issue. Million customers the state-owned enterprises each year. Who dares in the evening in a Post office, you will know how tight it can be for a longer period of time. Post-media spokesman Oliver Flüeler says: “We understand the Concerns and take them seriously.” The company has activated the pandemic Board and as a precaution, also the crisis staff. Compliance with BAG standards lies in the self-responsibility of employees, so Flüeler. Internal events with larger groups of people had been cancelled. The Post have ordered in large quantities desinfecting gel for your employees. “This is, in particular, for employees is important for the service, or in the postal car on the road,” explains Flüeler.

From the survey of various companies in Switzerland: you take the seriousness of the situation, at least according to their own statements, and according to the specifications of the BAG. In addition to familiar ends strongly on the personal responsibility of the employees and the clientele. Whether this is sufficient to Sars-CoV stem 2, will show up. Economically, the Virus has already in many industries damage.

Created: 06.03.2020, 12:38 PM