may Some of the students in the world, in spite of Coronavirus-crisis in the classroom. Normality is still far away, as a photo shows.

The Coronavirus restricted, and restricts the life of the world. In France children and young people are allowed to return to the schools. Normality is there, too – like a photo shows.

Tourcoing – The Coronavirus has also led in other countries to a state of exception. In France , children and young people do not go exactly as it is in Germany for school. Now you return again – after a two-month break. To restart a Journalist took a few photos – one of which is now going viral, because it summarizes the whole misery in a single moment.

Coronavirus in France: children return to schools – normality far away

Sometimes you have to describe Situation or events with a lot of words, so that it is somehow tangible. In some cases, a single photo is sufficient, however, as the image of journalists, included in a school Tourcoing , the North of France.

Because although the children in France, can finally, in your schools, at the sight of the image quickly become clear that France is far from the normality . The Journalist Lionel Top photographed the students when Playing on the Playground . To see the pictures: with a chalk-drawn squares on the floor. Each child is alone in a Square, it almost looks like an imaginary cage . This should probably be sure that the children keep a sufficient distance from each other.

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Coronavirus in France: Image from the school in Tourcoing goes viral

This image has been posted by Top on Twitter . It quickly went viral: in the Meantime, it has 44.888 Likes, was shared 15.692 Times and has 1304 comments. (15. May, 9.34 PM) Here, the Journalist has only 2.973 Followers.

photo moved the people. Under the Post, there are emotional comments: “Et si ces photos nous attristent, can imagine the job ce que ressentent les enseignants… “ça me fait mal au cœur, vous n’can imagine the job pas”, me disait une instit”, translated thus: “If you touch these photos, imagine how the teachers” and then quotes a statement from a teacher: “It hurts me in the heart, you can’t imagine.”

sometimes it can go without any floor markings, shows an invention from the United Kingdom – makes it possible to embrace, in spite of Corona’s grandma.

A artists sent during the Corona-crisis, a hidden message – the photo went on social media viral.

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Corona-quarantine can be quite lonely at the top. What is particularly sad about bulldog Big Poppa is. Your Twitter photo viral and touched the Stars.