Voice serious and engaging, liking for the word and the humor, the burlesque, and the intimate, the adept always been of the skid and of the paths passes through, Édouard Baer is like everyone else, he doesn’t like to speak out alone. Private of the théâtre Antoine, where it was extended in June its show success,The Rantings of a man suddenly struck by the grace, he has taken up service on France Inter with its issuance fetish, Lights in the night, he had abandoned last summer.

An hour of conversation with sound effects, poems, surprise guests, music, dialogue, film, readings in a gentle atmosphere-crazy worthy of Alfred Jarry. All broadcast live from their lounge in ministudio.

In the thread of its Lights, there are always precious moments as a good-bye letter to Balzac, read by Fanny Ardant or even Régis Laspalès reading a small text of Dostoevsky, bits and pieces of the interview of Françoise Sagan, carrying the joy of living, excerpts from the speech by Patrick Modiano at Oslo when his Nobel Prize, Jean-Louis Trintignant in Cannes, citing Prévert : “If we tried to be happy, if only to give the example. “The result is extravagant and does not lack originality.

also Read Theatre : the Night of the Molières will take place without public on June 23,

“It’s polite to be cheerful”

” Without the stage, an actor feels lost, useless, and the radio is a wonderful tool to not just feel alone in front of the microphone, and emphasizes the person concerned. It is a way to get together with everyone. In my program, different people, from all walks of life, intersect. At my side, there is the flamenco guitarist Tito, and, in the street, my accomplice Jack Souvant, who walks around, engages passers-by, engages the conversation. And it is I who am at the counter to receive them. I have the taste of this culture of exchange where everyone speaks, even to say stupid things. “

In his show parading artisans, craftsmen, restaurateurs, shopkeepers of the district, patrons of the bistro and even a farmer and a vicar. It could be a great anything, but it all fits together naturally, the charm is ” I love those moments stolen for talk about everyday life, which resumes its course after weeks of confinement “, he says.

Convinced that it should not be that the virtual takes hold of our lives – “there are already too many things that go through our mobile phone” –, Édouard Baer is a follower of the walk, the stroll and of the recovered time. As many of the biases that they share in direct too without asking questions, making his own the council of Voltaire : “It is polite to be cheerful. “

France Inter, Monday to Friday, 22 hours

writing will advise you

Sandrine Kiberlain and Edward Baer : the lovers of the winter Theatre : the Night of the Molières will take place without public June 23