Because many of the parents would have no more holidays on Pentecost, is now in the Whitsun holidays in Bavaria, an emergency care ensured. The teachers of the elementary schools, the middle schools and the resource centres would have to apply according to the trade Union for education and science in the Whitsun holidays from 8.00 am to 16.00 PM, the emergency care, like the WT announced on Tuesday in a press release.

But the teachers work according to the teachers Union already in the triad of presence teaching in the schools, Learning at home, and emergency care.

teacher complains: “I’ve hardly describes more air to Breathe”

A colleague, according to the communication from the trade Union as: “In me is all about lessons and school – every day from early until late and even on weekends – I am giving a lesson and get ready, I put together learning packets for the “home”group, I beschule the children’s digital and take care of the parents and children by telephone, and finally, I’m still in the emergency groups to care for. I have a little more air to Breathe! All in the College are pushed to their limits, and the mood is getting worse and worse.”

Ruth Brenner, spokeswoman for the WT-country specialist group of elementary and middle schools, says: “It is enough! The working time of the teachers is without limits now.”

John Schiller, spokesman for the WT-country specialist group, special needs professionals, says: “A holiday care for children of working parents, which can take place during the school holidays no more holidays, is now integrated clandestinely in the field of state teachers.“

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WT calls, no teachers in holidays to use

The GEW calls for the state government, neither in the Whitsun holidays in the summer holidays, teachers for holiday care to use.

teachers should not miss the view of the Chairman of the education and science trade Union (GEW), Marlis Tepe, because of the Corona-crisis to a part of your holiday. Most of the teachers are more have been claimed and also the parents would place a high value on vacation, said Tepe on Monday the SWR. The holiday should not be affected therefore.

similarly, the WT keeps the Head, it is necessary to repeat school years or school years. “I think that you just have to go further in the business.” You should carefully consider what would have reached the students, and then more individualised progress, said Tepe. “I don’t want to say that too much substance is in the school, but then you have to take the fabric down, and on a Basic focus.”

surf tip: Corona-the help is extended to parents up to 20 weeks of wage replacement in the case of a closed daycare center

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