“there will be A second wave of 100%. We must prepare ourselves!“ That cannot be said about one of the many now well-known virologist. The CSU Chairman and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder said.

the need for impairment losses, both medically and among other things, the health departments with more staffing. “I’ll do it anyway in Bavaria!” He was also grateful that, in the meantime, a stability was achieved, enabling it to trace chains of Infection.

In the round of doctor and science journalist Werner place is sitting. Place resist Söder speaks. “The Virus is not under control. It is too early, too much relaxed.“ To do so, as the Virus had been defeated. “I hope that the Virus knows too!” Particularly irritated place of the in some places, baths re-opened swimming pool. He says: “I thought I was crazy! This is a mess.“ The easing was a total uncoordinated much.

  • More News you can find in the Live-Ticker to the Corona-crisis FOCUS Online

Söder is against a “rushed approach”

“It’s a balance between as much freedom as possible and as much safety as necessary”, declared Prime Minister Söder, who also believes that his currently very high popularity shrink values to the Corona back to normal. Söder is in any case against a “rushed approach” as this is not done, in his opinion, for example, in NRW. “It’s just smart as a step by step approach. We open stores, beer gardens, indoor catering later than others.“ Screenshot ARD

Also open the border to, say, Austria, would Söder rather later than sooner. Would be economically, if the Germans remained on holiday in Bavaria. Polemically, he recalls how German travelers were sitting in the Corona of a crisis abroad, and signs saying “come and Get us!” in the TV camera held.

Also Söder warns against participating in demonstrations against the curtailment of rights of freedom, because there are also conspiracy theorists, and extreme Right-wing einfänden. “In these Demos, you must true not only physically, but also mentally distance.”

  • “Not just money” – Söder required in the TV “ceiling” for Corona-auxiliary Meuthen packages

: “This is strong stuff”

the theme this evening: The argument in the AfD. The party to the exclusion of the Brandenburg AfD-land Chairman Andreas Kalbitz by the Federal Executive has led the party to a bitter dispute. The Thuringian country, the Chairman, Björn Höcke, accuses the leaders of the party to lace and even “treason”. The AfD Federal Chairman Jörg Meuthen takes a position: “This is strong stuff. This is an emotional over-reaction of Höcke. The should not take it for face value.“ Screenshot ARD

Jörg Meuthen assumes that the exclusion of Kablitz will have in any case. Kablitz not would have given the party its “available for accession and are responding to extreme right-wing Vita”. The rich legally for exclusion. “In my party, extreme right-wing covers have no place,” says the AfD Chairman. For example, had declared Kalbitz 2017 during a speech about the members of the student movement of ‘ 68: “We will dance on their graves.” Meuthen combative. “The AfD is my party and you will remain my party.”

FOCUS Online

see also:

  • Kalbitz remains a member of the Brandenburg AfD parliamentary group – decision-making regarding the presidency postponed,
  • On day X extreme Corona dream right deniers of the violent power of conquest
  • Germany is not a safe country? Crime Commissioner says his TV criticism in the case of Lanz
  • crime Commissioner engages in Lanz Seehofer, Germany is a safe country? “As you can feel my pulse at rest”

Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, to earn child care” FOCUS Online/Wochit Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, also deserve to get caught for child care” Tschentscher in Hygiene-Demo? Lanz shall submit to the SPD photo-man counters FOCUS Online/Wochit Tschentscher in Hygiene-Demo caught? Lanz shall submit to the SPD photo-man counters

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