Stiftung Warentest has Online examined Banking Apps. In the case of the Test of gross defects were detected in the case of the banks. Only four Apps can be found for good.

Stiftung Warentest introduced Online Banking Apps to the test
a Total of 38 Apps were the Test of Stiftung Warentest subject to the Test , only reached four Online Banking provider the grade good
Kassel – In their last test has Stiftung Warentest Online Banking Apps rating. The virtual Bank counter, now have many people on your Smartphone. It saves some of the way to the Bank branch. the Stiftung Warentest tested Online Banking Apps on their functions and their handling. But also Terms and conditions, and privacy policies had to pass a test.

Stiftung Warentest: the Following Online Banking Apps have been checked

Stiftung Warentest has been selected for your Test 19 suppliers of Online Banking . Were investigated for their Apps both in the Android Version, as well as in the iOs -variant.

So were the experts from Stiftung Warentest at the end of the test results for 38 Apps. Amazing to the result of the test is that only 4 of the tested Online Banking -a provider with a good rating.

Stiftung Warentest: Some Online-Banking Apps Multi-Banking function

Some of the tested Online Banking Apps, a special multi-banking function for their customers. According to Stiftung Warentest , however, has led to the tightening of EU directives, that this feature is available with less suppliers.

The Banking -function, which is affected by the PSD2 Directive, which allows customers also accounts of foreign banks in the same App insured to prevail. In the Test, this was only a third of the Online Banking -provider possible.

Stiftung Warentest: Apps are adequately protected against intrusions

Stiftung Warentest highlighted your test result is positive, that none of the Online Banking Apps of defects in the field of security could be found. All tested Apps are adequately protected against attacks from the outside.

However, they noted some of the Apps and the data behavior, which Stiftung Warentest as a critical scaling. Including the experts to summarize all the activities of the Online Banking Apps that send sensitive data to the provider of the App. The Android versions of the Apps, critical data was from the following providers at the end of behavior:

Comdirect Commerzbank Banking
Deutsche Bank Mobile
ING Banking to go
N26 – mobile Bank Numbrs Outbank

the iOS Apps are affected, according to Stiftung Warentest of which:

Commerzbank Banking, Deutsche Bank Mobile financial online banking
ING Banking to go
N26 – mobile banking
Numbrs O2 Banking
Revolt Targobank Mobile Banking

Stiftung Warentest: The following Online Banking Apps make it to the top

The winner of Online Banking Tests are the same in both operating systems the same. In the Stiftung Warentest Ranking made it thus, these 4 Online Banking supplier to the very top (the notes in brackets – Multi-Banking abkz.: MB):

Sparkasse – iOS: 1,8 Android: 2,0 MB: Yes
GLS mBank iOS: 1,9 Android: 1,9 MB: Yes
financial view Online-Banking – iOS: 2,1 Android: 2,0 MB: Yes
Numbrs – iOS: 2.3 Android: the 2.4 – MB: Yes

All four Online Banking Apps on meadows, according to the Stiftung Warentest only very small defects in your privacy policies. Only the Apps of the provider Numbrs, and the iOS variant of the financial views of the App, had a critical data behavior.

The financial view Online Banking Apps of meadows, even if only very slight defects in their Terms and conditions on. The four ranking of the provider Numbrs, the functions of sections only satisfactory.

+ In the case of the study by Stiftung Warentest also the App of the Sparkasse on the front seats is ©Monika Skolimowska/dpa

Stiftung Warentest: User-friendliness of the Online Banking Apps were evaluated

experts Stiftung Warentest rated the Online Banking Apps to its user-friendliness. Here, only the the provider Outbank was able to achieve a very good result.

All other Apps move between the reviews good and satisfying. The most comfortable Transfers may be made in the Apps of the provider financial view Online Banking , savings Bank and GLS mBank. For this purpose, all three got the top grade in the area of the ability to function.

Stiftung Warentest: the Online-Banking-marker lights

Similar to that at the top of the Stiftung Warentest scoring the final four App providers. All four of the Online Banking vendors with both their Android as well as with your iOS Apps on the Note sufficient also.

With this weighting, the four providers form the end of the evaluation (scores in brackets – Multi-Banking abkz.: MB):

O2 Banking – iOS: 3,6 Android: 3,6 MB: no
Targobank mobile Banking – iOS: 3,6 Android: 3,6 MB: no
HVB Mobile Banking – iOS: 3,7 Android: a 3.7 – MB: no
Revolt – iOS: 3,8 Android: a 3.8 – MB: no
the loser of The Tests, the Online Banking -a provider of Revolt was in the Test, both in its Terms and conditions, as well as the privacy policy very significant shortcomings. Also, the data end behavior of his App was rated as critical by Stiftung Warentest .

The handling of the applications was also assessed for the four taillights of the Tests with the touch of good. The Apps Targobank, the Transfers from the App have been rated only with the Note to be deficient. In which the HVB, it was the turnover and account balance queries, which could only be graded with unsatisfactory.

Stiftung Warentest: Video Chats are also in the Test

Stiftung Warentest recently took Video Chats* under the magnifying glass. Here they found many problems in data protection.

only Apps But have not been put in the last time, in the case of Foundation test to the test were. Also oats Drinks* had to pull to the judgment of experts.

The Discounter Lidl recalls a Salami Snack. It can lead to internal injuries.

Suitable for the current barbecue season, Stiftung Warentest has recently electric Grill devices* tested. Most of the cuts well.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©Monika Skolimowska/dpa