Not everyone is Dating – and-relationship-counselor is a safe guide to success in the partnership. Often the tips instead are either counter-productive or have nothing to do with the own Situation. The following ten tips should not be taken, therefore, dear to the heart.

1. “Let them/him a bit of a fidget”

Let the game come to stay! Because in the game there are always winners and losers. No one wants to be after three days, called back, even if the various counselors repeat over and over. Who wants to see the potential partner or the potential Partner, is back at the latest within 24 hours. It’s about respect and honesty – both of which are essential for a healthy relationship.

2. “Enter, full of mystery”

of Course, it’s not a mistake to keep the beginning of a relationship a couple of things for themselves. A little secret can have on a potential Partner, even an attractive effect, because no one would like to be informed on a first Date about all the Faux Pas of the past. However, be careful not to appear unapproachable! Who tried, through lack of interest and closed to make beauty more interesting, is usually at the end of the Evening alone.

3. “Say goodbye to your Dreams”

“don’t Be so superficial, it is only the inner values count!” This sentence has been heard every time. It’s already clear that appearance is not everything, however, you need to feel attracted to your potential partner or your potential Partner are also sexually attracted to a lasting relationship. Relationship counselors suggest is often that you should forget the wishes of his supposed dream girl or his dream man. We say: Dream big, but be ready to even compromise. 100 percent there is not and that is a good thing!

4. “Silence is Gold”

play Against the partner, or the Partner of the Offended? Don’t do that. To show someone is deliberately the cold shoulder is never a good idea and at best should be avoided. Nothing in a partnership is more important than the communication – and that is no cliché.

5. “Change”

There is perhaps no worse advice than this, because if you can’t realize in a relationship itself, is definitely not a happy companion. To bend itself, it can also be very stressful and, at worst, even in the depression ends. You try to discover, instead, interests in common and accept each other just as they are.

6. “Wait with the Sex until the third Date”

The timing of the intercourse in advance is in principle not a good idea. The act of love should then be performed if both partners are willing, no matter whether that is after three weeks or after three hours, the case. You both listen to your heart and not on seemingly great advice.

7. “Men, don’t be too sensitive”

“An Indian knows no pain” should be the motto of some men. You try to be tough and cool and few to no emotions, allow yourself to show. This is bullshit! Place this outdated image of the emotionless man and stand to your feelings. Your Partner will appreciate it.

8. “After X years, the wedding should be a queue”

Many long-term couples to marry after a few years of relationship, because that is supposedly the next logical step. Of course this is wrong: One should live with his Partner according to the own rules and not those of the social environment. Who does not want to marry, not to have to do this plain and simple. In which case, you should discuss however with your better half and tell her how you see things.

This article was written by (

*The post “The 8 worst relationship advice” published by GQ. Contact with the executives here.