Cancelled concerts, suspended exhibitions and readings: do The free artists makes the Corona to create the crisis. Three of them report how they deal with the exceptional situation.

Geretsried/height of rain– The Corona-pandemic makes many industries to create. Also a freelance artist meets the crisis. You are not able to exhibit their works, or may not occur. How do you deal with it? We have talked about it with the photographer Michael von Hassel, the musicians Peter Schneider and the artist Sandra Kolondam.

Von Hassel is a Globetrotter. In January, the native of Geretsrieder was in the Colombian jungle. He met armed guerrilla fighters, and let them scan it, as if they were old friends. The photographer pulls it off in the most remote regions, where no Tourist goes on a voluntary basis. Up to 260 days in the year, he jets around the world. That was before the crisis. Now the local Region detected by Hassel and his E-Bike.

Corona hits a free-lance artist hart

The nature and architecture photographs of the native Geretsrie be traded internationally. The village of Hassel and is currently one of the most important photographers in Germany. As a result, he was able to create a financial cushion to the collapse in orders and the cancelled exhibitions in Berlin, Budapest, and on the island of Sylt to compensate. “It makes sense for me to get the plug pulled,” says Hassel. He sees in the current Situation, even a Chance: “the Bottom line is that we can learn a lot and after the crisis, a valuable future.”

Peter Schneider’s Band “The Stimulators” is, recently, after seven weeks of forced break has occurred again for the first time. Via Live Stream the concert from the culture stage ambush was broadcast in the living room of the audience guests. “It is impossible to foresee how society will be when there is the stage of culture,” warns Schneider.

Live-Stream from the culture stage ambush

The gifted guitarist, who studied in South America and as a young musician, with Ike Turner on stage, would go to usually soon on tour through the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Germany. Due to Corona 17 appearance were cancelled appointments, so that there are no fees revenue. “The worst thing is the uncertainty, to not know when it goes on,” says the native of Munich, the lives of the music. Schneider has to immediately get assistance for the Solo self-employed, he’s glad he did. Many of his colleagues, no-one knows the musician.

the artist Sandra Kolondam uses the possibilities of the Internet, since you can’t currently exhibit how else nationwide. She offers her large size and candy-colored images, in which she critically engages with the nature and technological progress and shows that the reality is sugar-sweet, a virtual gallery. Currently Kolondam also plans with other artists, a collective, in order to organize virtual marketing opportunities.

on The Internet there are no limits

on The Internet there is no boundaries, says the native of Munich. This is also a real Chance to be known internationally. Kolondam is for sure: “The digital exhibition of the form will remain after the crisis, a new leg to stand on.” Kolondam originally studied Marketing and worked for many years in a permanent position. In the meantime, she lives and works as a freelance painter in the amount of rain.

A concert premiere of a special kind there was, recently, from the culture stage ambush: for the first Time a concert was broadcast live on the Internet. The response was huge. A further Premiere in the 30-year history of the culture stage ambush a reading without an audience. Dr. med Pablo Hagemeyer introduced his book on narcissism.
