Because of the Coronavirus are orphaned, the sports courts for the most part. In the series “Our sports facilities” you will get the deserved attention – today: Schongau.

Schongau – the Situation around The sports facilities in Schongau is not simple and far from optimal. The history of the football pitches is a story of many setbacks, signs, Peter milling, and Hannes Waldmann from the TSV. However, the fields hang to the footballers on the heart. Therefore, they are committed to self-improvement and have the TSV space to the Market oberdorfer road, who made it their home.


in 1956, is dedicated to the football field as a “Ressle-sports ground”. For the opening of the youth teams of TSV Schongau and TSV 1860 Munich against. Then the Schongauer men’s team against the Amateurs of the “lions of may” ran. Here, the TSV space to the Market oberdorfer Straße, train the footballer and 64 years later.

Once the space was completely renovated. This was the mid-1970s. “After that, we ran before each Training with buckets on the square and have stones collected came from the ground out,” says Peter grinding. He’s the coach of the current men’s team of TSV Schongau, located in the A-class 8 on the second rank.

“Are placed at each the weather is bad,”

grinding and its players have not Easy it. “We are prepared, whatever the weather bad,” says the coach. If it is raining, stand in the playing field to a large area under water. Since the place is located on a slope, accumulates there, namely, the out-flowing water. In addition, all the drains were clogged. For several days, but the sun shines, the place so hard that you can barely walk on it, told the coach.

+ Not only Good you can say head of Department Hannes Waldmann on the football field.©Herold

the course maintenance, and mowing the lawn of construction yard taking care of in Schongau. “We are positioned really well,” says head of Department Hannes Waldmann. “The staff at the building yard, which amounts to do what you can, and have an open ear. But: From a plow horse not a race horse can do.“ The corona-induced forced break will now be used to direct further remediation advance works.

The cabins

Here, the place is not even the biggest concern of those responsible. “The changing rooms are a huge problem,” says Waldmann. They were built with the renovation of the mid-1970s. In order to receive grants, have been integrated into the cabin complex, in addition to two large individual cabins. “For football, these Changing rooms are not suitable,” says milling. In addition to the questionable structure, but there were much bigger things to Worry about. On 2. March 2008 was the main club in the cabins tight. The Reason For This Is Mold Infestation. The damage was recorded, and, in the opinion of the city, the cabins would have to be torn away.

self-directed, the football Department then created plans for a new building and directs it to the club and the city. Nothing happens. “Internally, we have decided that the thing to tackle”, says Waldmann. 15 000 Euro and some hours of work the players put in, the more or less temporary renovation. They wanted to bridge a further five years, until a renovation is possible. But has changed up to now. “We have been waiting for three periods of improvement,” says Peter grinding. At least one gas heating and hot water, the footballer have since 2019.


the football Department, not the Chapter on the Market oberdorfer road, despite the many uncertainties behind, is due to the lack of Alternatives. A move to the leprosen anger was considered, but since there is a construction area is planned, the conditions appalling. “Therefore, we have decided to stay up here and to renovate,” says Hannes Waldmann about the TSV space. Changed the entrance to the sports ground, which is difficult to see, and a bike path crosses to be for example.

The clubhouse

+ The club’s home 23 years Ago, the footballer, this house remodel on the edge of the sports field in your Stay started. Three years it lasted, until the Work was finished.©Herold

Home of the Schongauer footballers feel comfortable in your club home. Here there is a small Bar, a spacious lounge, and all the documents are stored. The house next to the square was previously owned by the family Haering. After all the family had died members of the buildings the players the house from 1997 to 2000 to your Stay. “Until then, we had no home,” says Waldmann.

The stadium

your games the Schongauer in the stadium from wear, which lies on the other side of the road – a good 100 meters air line from the TSV-square. This was in 1959, with the game between 1. FC Nürnberg and Red-and-White dedicated to eat in front of around 8000 spectators. Can’t train the Schongauer here, however, because there are no floodlights. In addition, only two are in the neighbouring Lech hall outside cabins available. In a normal round, so that both the first and the Reserve team of the TSV to compete, there is a lack of space. The solution is that the reserve teams, the first play to move in the stadium, warm-up and play. The First and your opponent to draw to the TSV-place, and make warm and then walk to the game in the stadium.

is Enthusiastic grinding of the size of the field. “Here, we can raise a different game and the opponent to the wall play.” The home record with 16 points from seven games speaks for itself. “The stadium is a home field advantage,” says the coach. A small consolation in the thankless Situation of Schongauer footballer.

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The way of the TSV Bern Beuren to the perfect place.