The weekend in Munich Weiser in step relaxations to the Corona-Lockdown. As of today, Monday, not only parents and their children can breathe a sigh of relief, thanks to a further easing.

The weekend stand in the feature step loose according to the Corona-Lockdown in Munich. Many of Munich took advantage of the beautiful weather to come out to from time to time, the own four walls. Further Changes in the Corona-rules it was 25 today (. May) and in the coming days. Many more exciting stories from Munich in our App.

Munich – Sometimes a small step is like a huge leap forward: After weeks of break due to the Coronavirus* forced may caterers the interior areas of their economies as of today, finally unlocking. Munich makes loose – because it is not the only rule , now and in the coming days rescinded .

Coronavirus in Munich, Nockherberg-in-chief is happy about easing

“We are thrilled that we can finally open the door,” says Nockherberg chief Christian Schottenhamel . The tables are set, the menu cards from the beer is brewed – “now, only the guests are missing”. 180 hikers welcome of the host from now on, again in his Restaurant . The were only about half as many as in front of Corona, but after all, is an important step for the gastronomy .

+ freedom of feelings, in spite of Corona: whether at the Viktualienmarkt mark, in the pedestrian area or in the beer garden – a number of Munich it on the weekend outside of the own four walls in the fresh air be good to go.©Oliver Bodmer

it is also convinced of the Bavarian Hotel and restaurant Association . Finally, the first days, in which the beer gardens were open had proved, that the hosts brace for the onslaught, and their guests, in spite of the strict hygiene pads a piece of normality and Dose privacy can serve.

Corona in Munich: Further relaxations will apply as from Monday, 25. May

by the Way: as of Monday, 25. May may also breathe a sigh of relief stressed-out parents finally back – at least some of them. Finally, you can enjoy the preschool children , and their siblings in the future in nursery . In addition, nursing homes be allowed to start from today new residents.

+ ©Oliver Bodmer

for hikers there are good prospects: just in Time for the Start of the Whitsun holiday, may on Saturday, the 30. In may, all of the Hotels, camping and apartments in the free state back to the ground. Also leisure facilities amusement parks, castles or Visit mines may again go into operation. In addition, tourist Bus and train journeys, cable car and schifferl rides from 30 to. May again be possible.

Coronavirus in Munich: Free swimming pool entry for children, falls away

operating their own swimming pools, saunas, Spa – and fitness areas need to remain closed. But: For the case that the situation is a relaxed one, may pools probably the 8. June re-open. The bathing even then, nothing will stand in the way.

In Munich , however, unlike last year, without the free admission for children and young people . To pay now, as the city Council tomorrow, Tuesday, will decide. A prerequisite for all of the easing is that the Coronavirus continues to spread. Therefore, the mask of duty to remain.

A specific industry, however, can breathe a sigh of relief: The travel industry is hit by the consequences of the Corona-crisis particularly hard. Employees of a travel Agency in Munich, Germany report from your everyday work life in the crisis.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©Oliver Bodmer