The lungs of a 45-year-old Austrian was damaged by Covid-19 in such a way that only a lung transplant could save her.

In the General hospital in Vienna (AKH) was carried out Europe’s first lung transplant in the case of a Covid-19-patient. The Coronavirus infection was advanced to the 45-year-old woman in such a way that no other therapy too. The transplant was successful, was associated with a large risk.

infection with corona virus can manifest itself as a slight cold – but it is also critical gradients* are possible, the risk of life for the patient. In the case of a 45-Year-old from Austria, there was only one possibility: her lungs were in such a by a corona virus that destroyed drugs and a blood plasma therapy brought no success and you could only save a new lungs.

organ transplantation in Covid-19: “… her condition was very critical,”

A risky surgery that was performed at Covid-19 patients, so far only twice in China. And that has not repelled one good reason: So that a donor lung from the body, administered to Doctors, the patient’s immunosuppressants. These weaken the immune system* so that it can not be directed against the foreign lung. the In the case of infection with corona virus-this, however, is associated with risks, because the body is prevented from to fight against pathogens .

But in the case of the Austrian patients, the Doctors opted for an organ transplant – also because their survival would have been a chance without the OP equal to zero. “As the patient with the helicopter of the Austrian army came to our hospital, her condition was very critical. It turned out fortunately that the other organs functioned largely and there are no active virus particles were no longer present. the So it could be for a donor lung on the waiting list “, – quotes the editors ‘ network, Germany, Dr. Walter Klepetko, head of the Department for thoracic surgery at the MedUni Vienna.

also read : drugs against Covid-19: Coronavirus patients will get remedy for heartburn.

New lung well accepted: the patient is on the mend

Already a few days after the procedure, the patient’s condition improved, the hospital said. the Thus, the first carried out in Europe lung transplant was a Covid-19-patients with success .

read More : Coronavirus infection is more dangerous for men: Doctors increased values of this enzyme.


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