The licence fee is the same for all German households mandatory. However, many Germans do not agree and are fighting back. What you need to, you can find here.

Since January 2013 to all German households have a single licence fee, which is charged by the post service in General. The money from this goes to the public-law channels such as ARD, ZDF and Germany radio. However, with the introduction four years ago, there was a lot of resentment for the Germans. Finally, the licence fee is in many eyes not fair.

license fee: exemption for second home

For the Second and next to the apartments, no licence fee needs to be paid. The had 2018entschieden the Federal constitutional court in July. From now on, those Affected can apply for an exemption. For this purpose, a corresponding form is available on the website of the post service of ARD, ZDF and Germany radio. This, you can also send.

in addition to the form, you will need a registration certificate, the registration of the main house and opens up next to apartments, as well as the move-in date. It is important to note that the main and the logged next to the apartment is on the applicant .

If the conditions are met, a retroactive exemption possible. the to To a lot of paid contributions be refunded .

The exemption applies only to the applicant. Year old roommate, or spouse lives with in the apartment, they must notify the service Contribution. There is then examined the contribution obligation. To prevent this, so the spouse in the case of the second apartment log out .

More : the increase of the broadcasting contribution to learn – As much as you need to pay starting in 2021.

license fee: lump sum remains the same

The reason is that While you previously had to pay for each device in the household make a contribution, there are now, for all a lump sum of $ 17.50 a month. And even if it actually uses no or only a few media.

The new contribution does not depend on the number of persons living there or how many media are actually available. This means that The fee must be paid by every household – without if and but.

The lump sum is always the same – no matter whether in the house is a Single, a large residential community or a Few lives stand. However, there are exceptions that must be taken into account.

What happens with the broadcasting of the contributions, respectively, wherein the money is invested by looking at the current ARD”Framing Manual”documents.

moving to residence or living communities: contribution log out

Who’s pulling in a WG, or with his life partner pulls can be used , from the broadcasting contribution fee exempt. Finally, there are already a contributor. To do this, you simply log in the “ARD ZDF German radio broadcast fee service” .

how it works: Go to the Online Portal There you will find the official form for “cancellation of flat/s”. in it, you explain then the following: “I’m moving on to another contributor. My roommate/life partner/family member is already paying Broadcasting fees for the apartment.” Don’t forget: you can Enter the contribution number of number of roommate at the ends.

The form also those who move overseas, by the way, a second home, terminate, or deceased contributor must sign out.

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a “special economic hardship” – In these cases, you can let yourself be free

> But also refer to people who, for example, unemployment benefit II, social assistance or BAföG </strong , can, on request, exempt, or a reduction in the contribution price.

These households will be subject to a “special economic hardship” and will be taken into account in the case of the broadcasting fees. These include, among other things:

recipients of social assistance asylum-seekers recipients of basic security in old age, care of dependent Adults in an inpatient facility BAföG-recipients not living with one’s parents, recipients of vocational training beneficiary training life money, not in the parents of blind people, Deaf recipients of blind aid of the special care of legitimate

strong a contribution reduction from 5.99 Euro per month request, and must be marked with the code “RF” in the ID code.

Learn here how to use the licence fee to legally be able to cancel in case of relocation or in the event of death.

country care money in Bavaria: request for exemption from the broadcasting contribution fee is worth it

in Particular, box receiver of the so-called land care money, which has been introduced in Bavaria in 2018 , now you have the opportunity, to the broadcasting contribution fee exempt, provided they submit a request for exemption to the contribution service.

explanation: The land care money to get all those who are disabled by birth, disease or accidents extremely , and according to the social Association VdK a minimum of Care level 2 and later are able to demonstrate.

This is a financial relief for additional expenses , which apply automatically in the care of the severely disabled. The amount is different from country to country, in Bavaria, the land is money to the usual benefits about 1,000 Euro per year extra .

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GEZ-fee: How to apply for the post-liberation

Who looks so under a “special economic hardship”, use the available form on the Online Portal of the contribution of services.

This is called “request for exemption and reduction for social and health reasons”. you will receive step-by-step through the form. Print it out at the end and enclose the proof of required documents. the Both then send them in writing to the address in the contribution services :

ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio

post service

50656 Köln

You can also read : that’s Why they pay the licence fee better in a bar – and when even the bailiff can threaten.

More helpful hints and info that you read in our large broadcasting fee guide.

read the case*: ARD-in-chief Wilhelm about the licence fee and the “Framing Manual”

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digiatal-editors network

Jasmine Pospiech

Here you have to pay for it now – and where you can save