how Much is 1,000 euros in which regions of Germany are worth? A study sheds light on the purchasing power of the pension. Here is the result.

Where to live retired with her to get along the best in Germany? A study found out, where the cost of living is particularly low and particularly high. Here are the results of the Germany-wide Rankings.

living Where a pensioner in Germany cheapest?

The amount of pension* is – the but maintenance costs life . And just the purchasing power of the pension varies depending on the Region in Germany a report in the SZ according to especially. What can make retirement* where indeed?

The report refers to a study of the Prognos AG for the Initiative “7 years”, created by the Association of the German insurance economy (GDV) to life. Were compared to the attitude cost of the retired life in 401 circles and circle-free cities .

The result, so The pensioners Paradise is writing this are currently more likely to be in the new States . The pensioners more of your money , because the Rent are often much cheaper than in the West . According to the study, box of a pensioner in an expensive city like Munich has a purchasing power of 763 Euro . In the Brandenburg Landkreis Elbe-Elster , the real value lies, however, in the case of 1.158 Euro.

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study of knowledge Place of residence has an influence on the prosperity of the ages

The residence had a large influence on the standard of living and the prosperity of the age , is quoted in an author of the study in the report. At the same time, more expensive areas would not have to be necessarily unattractive, because wages and pensions to be there tend to be higher than in more favourable regions .

a striking feature of the study is also: Particularly the high cost of living for pensioners* in Bavaria – Munich ahead is. Seven of Germany’s ten most expensive retirement homes are located in the free state. Behind the state capital, counties München and Starnberg the other places in the Germany-wide Ranking, are. Generally speaking, the economy is strong South of the Republic is rather cost-intensive: 40 of the 50 most expensive regions in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Hessen .

What is 1,000 Euro pension value

The five most expensive districts in Germany



the circle

Real purchasing power of EUR 1,000 pension



city of Munich

763 Euro



the district of Munich

826 Euro



district of Starnberg

828 Euro



the city of Frankfurt am Main

839 Euro



the district of Miesbach

849 Euro

source: Prognos

The five best circles in Germany



the circle

real purchasing power of EUR 1,000 pension


lower Saxony

the district of Lüchow-Dannenberg

1.145 Euro



kyffhäuser Kreis

1.148 Euro




1.149 Euro


lower Saxony

district of Holzminden

1.556 Euro



the district of Elbe-Elster

1.558 Euro

source: Prognos

For the evaluation , the Institute is fit according to its own information, the weight of the General basket of goods of the Federal Statistical office to use of the over 65-Year-old behavior. the health expenditures and Rent in this age group for example, a higher weight. Cost of education , however, play a lesser role.

source: SZ Online, dpa

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