The people pushing it to the outside in the nature. Some are unknowingly damage, such as, for example, in Weßling.

Weßling – The spawning waters of the weßlinger see the bypass is filled with water and ready for spawning amphibians and already walkers have the pond as a destination for discovered. In the city Council meeting on Tuesday evening, the farmer and the FW are made by a municipal Council Anton Wunderl his displeasure of air.

Wunderl who farmed the fields and meadows around his farm on steinbacher way in Weßling, does not vary describes between amazement and horror, when he is learning to share his experiences with visitors only during the Corona-weeks. Of the two mothers with strollers, for example, that have made it recently to the three interconnected ponds at the new state road cozy, while her three dogs romped through the water. Or the woman who is in the middle of traipsing through the oat field, and swing with your solid footwear the tender seedlings trampled. When asked, she announced patzig: “This is a Meadow, there I must go.” Wunderls daughter-in-law explained to the woman that she was in the middle of standing in an oat field, and but a stroll through the animal feed distance to take.

“be Unreasonable,” said the to say the least, angry organic farmer Wunderl. Many people have signed the citizens ‘ petition for the insect. “And we maintain the landscape,” says the 65-Year-old. At the beginning of may, he had to deal with a Golfer who had hit balls on his Lawn in Delling. His response: “I do no harm.” But, as with the mowing, he’ll feed the cows run free around says Wunderl prayer mill-like to the people who are lost in a double sense by the way. A combine harvester swallowed Golf ball would certainly be hard to digest, can probably imagine the layman.

He had escaped a lot of understanding for the people who would come partially from the city and out of their four walls in the fresh country air, says the farmer. But there are rules that you should follow. And the nature protection act prescribes. In it is written that each of the “beauties of the right to the enjoyment of nature and recreation in the outdoors” have. However, everyone is obliged”, with nature and the landscape with care,” says the rule. Of the “consideration for the land owner” is out of the question – and there is no free letter, cross and mountain landscape through the blooming land, but rather the commitment to stay on the Paths. And walking trails are available.

“For the maintenance and care of the municipality takes up a lot of money,” says Wunderl, the law cited still the same: “In the growth period from April to October to Enter the land is banned in agricultural use.” Something that many do not know. The worst are those who have discovered the balancing waters for yourself be but. “It is damaging to the amphibian when in their spawning dogs waters frolic.”
