, The loosening of the Corona-measures should also help the restaurant business in Germany. According to a survey by the caterers, but more in a dramatic location.

The catering met the Corona*measures particularly hard. Thanks to relaxations in many companies in Germany were allowed to open again. Nevertheless, a Gastro-survey now features a dramatic image. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany*. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany*. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures.*

Munich Corona -hit pandemic, the German economy hard. Sometimes, especially the hospitality , was affected finally, Restaurants , Hotels , Bars and Nightclubs had to close their doors at all. After the loosening of the Corona-measures, many facilities were able to host now and again unlocking and guests. However, the Hotel and restaurant Association Dehoga also, after the Openings a gloomy picture for the industry.

Corona shock for Gastro: Dramatic appeal – “not otherwise survive tens of thousands of businesses the June”

on 20. May Dehoga President Guido Zöllick addressed an urgent appeal to the policy: “The bailout Fund must come now. the Otherwise, tens of thousands of businesses will not survive the month of June .“ Now, under the Association submit these statements with additional data – including a survey of 8000 Gastro-operators to their Situation after the re-opening of the farms, the results of the Dehoga on 26. May published.

Accordingly, the balance sheet of the hosts “ frightening is”. the 81,5 percent t of the farms indicated that a is economic activity, taking into account the stringent requirements, such as the Distance required*, it is possible . 83.5 percent of respondents reported that their sales had not met expectations after the re-opening.

By Gastro-Opening: Sales break – expectations will be far.

78.3 per cent of the hosts have been able to achieve thus, in the first days after the restart, a maximum of 50 percent of their normal sales missed A third of the Restaurants (31.9 percent) was only able to record a turnover of between 25 and 50 percent compared to the previous year, 29.1 per cent are between ten and 25 percent, 17.3 percent of the farms, even under a revenue of ten per cent. Conversely, this means: Only 21.8 percent of the surveyed owners recorded sales losses of less than 50 percent, since they were allowed to open their businesses again.

“Even if the establishments are allowed to re-accommodate guests, they are due to the current distance, commandments and contact restrictions with his back to the wall “, explains Dehoga President Zöllick to do so. He speaks of a “catastrophic emergency situation ” and reiterates its call for state aid.*

Coronavirus shocks gastronomy: since March, sales declined by 80 percent

Even more dramatic losses are, however, based on the entire period of the Corona-pandemic and the measures in force. the Since 1. In March, the owners of the survey to complain to an average loss of 80 percent. Based on the year 2020, one expects a decline in sales of at least 55 percent. “No or little revenue in the case of ongoing fixed costs illustrate the existential concern of almost all companies”, explains Zöllick and calls the policy again to Act swiftly.

For the survey respondents, the Dehoga in the period between the 22. and 25. May 8000 Restaurateurs.

A re-Shutdown the businesses would not survive after the Opening, moreover, most of the time. How bad is the situation, also declared a Munich-based host to tz.de*.

According to the virologists, Hendrik Streeck, no second wave of Infection is, however, an increase in the Corona threatened again in the autumn cases.

On the question to the end of the mask obligation Markus Söder react with an extreme response.

A study of the influence of the Corona-hotspot Ischgl on the rate of infection in Germany – this is immense.


*tz.de and merkur.de are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.