cancer take the fear: The researchers want to in the world, by developing new therapies. A form of treatment promises to be particularly a lot of success.

she is approved for over a year in Germany: The CAR-T cell therapy. With this Form of gene therapy difficult-to-treat blood cancer can be successfully treated. You could, in the future, in the case of other types of cancer application. The catch: The CAR-T cell therapy is very costly and also bad side-effects are possible.

Update from the 25.05.2020: blood cancer is curable – stem cell donation saves lives

Each year, more than 917.000 people develop in the world of blood cancer. With the global day of action “Blood Cancer Day” on February 28. May the DKMS calls the German bone marrow donor file, annually, to show solidarity with the patients. “We want to set an example for the global fight against blood cancer. And call on every people to do this,” says DKMS-managing Director Sandra Bothur. the blood cancer is curable, many patients can be given through a stem cell donation, a chance at life – a registry is the first step.

More information about the stem cell donation here you will find

CAR-T cell therapy: Altered T-cells to cancer cells

Tisagenlecleucel and Axicabtagen Ciloleucel are the two active ingredients, approved in August, 2018 in Europe for the treatment of cancer with certain blood cancers. the make use of an artificial Antigen Receptor of the T cells of cancer of the blood-change patient . The T-cells in the body to detect faulty cells of the body, and to fight with the artificial Antigen-Receptor, the the drugs to inject in you, you can malignant cancer cells tracing and killing. For normal, non-genetically modified T-cells this is not possible, because cancer cells can hide by Mutation in front of you.

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studies, two years after a CAR T-cell therapy with Tisagenlecleucel or Axicabtagen Ciloleucel 40 to 60 percent of patients without a relapse were living. the good news against the Background of that blood cancer is associated with a high relapse rate .

More : everyday drug kills cancer cells – new study could revolutionise therapy.

15 qualified teaching hospitals to lead the gene therapy in Germany

Currently about 15 German University hospitals are qualified , a CAR-T cell therapy. An official list of certified centers, there is not yet but. Contact the treating oncologist or the manufacturer of the corresponding CAR-T cell product, such as the cancer information service reported.

A CAR-T cell treatment will cost around € 320,000. The contract negotiations with the statutory health insurance funds are ongoing. the Current cancer centers must have a single request for reimbursement in the statutory health insurance , the therapy is not part of the national supply, such as in the UK.

Also to improve CAR T-cell therapy worked to serious side effects such as pathological changes of the speech centre in the brain, confusion, or the tumor lysis syndrome, which can even lead to death, curb.

Whether a CAR is coming T-cell therapy for cancer patients in question can only be decided by the attending physician. This will weigh up opportunities and risks, and appropriate treatment can be initiated.

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