That could have been bad: ash from a tobacco pipe has set in the night on Thursday in Schongau with a balcony in a fire. Fortunately, the residents were still awake and the fire Department very quickly.

Schongau – As reported by the police, had noticed the 26-year-old resident of an apartment at the Franz Rupp-street shortly after 1 p.m. that his balcony fire had caught. Presumable cause of the fire was a pipe according to the officials, the hot ashes from a tobacco in a planter that had been used as ashtrays.

Even before the alerted fire brigade, which arrived with a good 25 man in five vehicles arrived, the man managed to extinguish the fire. The danger was not banned yet. According to the commander, Werner Berchtold behind the wall of the wood-frame construction built residential house gluten-ester had formed. So it was danger in delay.

thanks to a careful approach of the fire brigade of the property, plant and

So gently it went, the damage the fire guards advanced the threat of a smoldering fire to the body, which can spread over the entire façade up to the roof would have. Ultimately enabled the men to remove the Embers. An approximately one square meter large box had to be cut with the chainsaw from the façade. In addition, individual parts of the balcony have been removed.

So, managed to keep the damage low. The police put him about 2000 Euro. No one was hurt. “We were lucky, such things often end up with a complete residential fire,” said commander Berchtold relieved.

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In case of a fall in Steingaden, the brake pierced handle is in the foot of a 55-year-old Radlerin. , The fire brigade have to cut off the lever to free them.

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