“StopCovid” to be more flexible than the German Version, but the concerns in terms of privacy are great.

The French Parliament has the Tracing-App “ StopCovid” approved in the App users should be notified if Corona-Infected e close to you are privacy advocates around the world are worried*

The two French chambers of Parliament have passed in the night on Thursday the green light for the Operation ” StopCovid “. The Tracing App , the French institutes and companies; was also part of the German Fraunhofer Institute. A pan-European approach failed, however, to the different ideas: in Germany, for example, chooses a decentralized approach, in which the data are stored only on the Smartphone.

France preferred not quite surprisingly, a System with a Central Server. It can be developed by the epidemiologists continue and data store, “to train the Warning algorithm,” as the German digital magazine “t3n” holds.

France relies on Tracing-App “StopCovid” a

The Central acquisition does, however, raise a fundamental legal Problem: Who guarantees that the data get into the hands of the state security, as it is in China most likely to be the case?* The French Minister of the interior, Christoph Castaner had not yet declared the end of March, such a Warning App was “in our culture”. Two months later, has changed the discourse entirely, which makes the data protection the more sceptical.

opposition politicians such as the Left Jean-Luc Mélenchon refers to the StopCovid App as a “freedom-consuming”. The right populist Marine Le Pen accuses the government of President Emmanuel Macron , he lancers, the “Gadget” StopCovid only, to divert attention from the fact that he had failed in the procurement of Covid-Tests , and protective masks miserably. Digital Minister Cédric O holds, this App could not save “Sick and Dead”.

warning-Corona-Infected: the “StopCovid to”App in France work

In the national Assembly, 338 members for the use of the App voted , with 215 votes against and 21 abstentions. In the Senate, the application was approved with 186 votes, it had 127 votes, and 29 abstentions.

Practically how it works: A covidinfizierte Person who has been recognized by a doctor and confirmed as such, loads the App StopCovid on your mobile phone. Who has the same App and a quarter of an hour closer than a Meter for this Person resides, is warned by a Bluetooth Signal on its own Smartphone. This is done completely anonymously, i.e., without knowing, from whom the Alarm proceeds.

France: Corona-Warning App for privacy advocates controversial

a prerequisite is that both people have downloaded the App , your Smartphone will have to be hired and also via Bluetooth are connected. The participation is also Infected on a voluntary basis; a site localization does not take place.

A typical use case, a train journey or a flight. Critical virologists, however, have calculated that, in the current phase-out even in a crowded commuter train, on average, only a Person carrier of the virus would be. One location per train is sufficient to turn the supporters of the App . 23 percent of the French have, however, not a Smartphone. And especially in a country where there was already aggression against Covid-19-Infected , it is considered uncertain whether the latter are willing to be a App -send Signal. If you are not already in quarantine, and still take the train.

Corona App launches in France – concern for privacy

Also, you need to trust the privacy of the Central state, what is in France by no means a matter of course. Also Tech companies like Apple are by no means beyond all doubt, especially since they did the co-operation with the French App – Creators. In Paris, many people think of the deterrent example of the consulting firm Cambridge Analytika, the personal Facebook data for the Pro-Brexit campaign had abused.

France digital Minister Cédric O, however, refers to an opinion poll, according to 62 percent of French people willing to be the StopCovid App to download. In the case of a participation of more than 60 percent of the App can result in according to the experts, sense. It is envisaged that travellers from outside France cross the border to be able to download the App .

Stefan Brändle (with afp)

*fr.de is part of the nationwide Ippen Digital network