A former FDP politician, Vice Chancellor of Angela Merkel. Now the mask duty in the Corona-the time for “doom was him”.

derCorona-time* is called mask of duty. When shopping, Wear a mouth-nose protection* temporary duty. An Ex-Vice-Chancellor, was the kind of “doom”.

Munich – Especially in the Corona of time* a lot of politicians are much more often in Public than before. Their faces are much more frequently in the news, in political Talks or press conferences. Rarely, the already so popular people were so present in our everyday life. Now, a former politicians made with an anecdote shopping in Germany.

Ex-Vice-Chancellor Rösler: His appearance was taken by Stefan Raab on the grain

Philipp Rösler was a few years ago Vice-Chancellor at Angela Merkel . It’s been a while, however, that the former FDP politician in the Bundestag and from. 2013, so about seven years ago, he retired from politics. As Minister of health, Minister of economy and Chairman of the FDP, Rösler is expected to be even today, many a term – to recognize, however, mouth protection, maybe a bit heavier.

Added: the now 47-Year-old is eating something of the ravages of time. Meanwhile, graying of the hair a little. It has always been Philipp Rösler younger than he was. Stefan Raab worked out in its Late-Night-Show TV Total in reference to his boyish children look books – the “Fipsi”series.

Ex-Vice-Chancellor Rösler in Corona times: “mask of duty, but not so bad,”

And in his anecdote of his youthful appearance plays a role. As the former Vice-Chancellor, on Twitter announced that he was in Germany, when shopping. And as it is in the current time* as usual, had to wear Rösler a mask*.

He writes: “When buying a bottle of champagne, the seller asked me for my ID!!! In spite of gray hair. So the mask of duty isn’t so bad.“ To illustrate this, he added, even a Selfie with the mask. It is allowed in Germany, from 16 years to buy champagne.

Rösler lives in Switzerland since 2013 and has burned well in his two years as a Deputy to Angela Merkel, at least in this seller enough memory. From 2014 to 2017, he was the managing Director of the world economic forum. Since 2019, he sits on several Supervisory boards.


*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network