The Coronavirus is for many industries a felt infinite ordeal. However, many creative solutions arise to revive by unusual ways of the business.

The Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder, has announced further relaxations of the Coronavirus-measures*. For many industries, the pandemic represents a major challenge – even for the business of love. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus*. You can also see the latest case numbers in Germany, as a card*. The most Important thing on the subject of there is also on our brand new Facebook page, Corona News, as well as in our App*.

Landshut – For the past two months, the Coronavirus life in Bavaria and Germany. Since the “ Lockdown ” but it was also loosened a lot of things: shops have opened again, hairdressers are allowed to re-open it or the schools* to take in some levels of their students. For a business, is the protection against infection law , however, represents a high burden: The red-light business.

Landshut (Bavaria): Corona, Despite an unusual step

A brothel operator from Landshut, Germany has now a unusual solution can think of, to come with his company through the difficult times. How reported, this is the “Lustra” in Landshut. According to the report, the brothel is less than two months since closed , precisely when re-opened may be unclear. “We had to think about what we can do instead,” says the operator to the newspaper .

Corona solution for the environment? In Landshut there is now Unusual

The idea of the operator reminiscent of other, similar creative solutions to people during the crisis have come up with: The “Drive-in”model. So, there were already folk festivals*, which could be by car – along with chicken and music. The brothel operator has found the report referred to in a similar way, and the first Drive-in opened for the body loose Version of the horizontal industry. The idea is quite simple: In a tent can be with his car by driving the left and right dancers. The Whole thing is, of course, allowed to 18 , “Star-DJ” is Trash, give-TV-size Micaela Schäfer their Best.

a bell is part of the essence of the cow or it would GPS? The lengthy cowbells dispute of wooden churches ended now – shortly after an unusual appointment*.

A host in Augsburg, Germany, did not understand that he should close down due to Corona 20 PM. A court gave him right. The decision has implications for all the Restaurants?*

Especially the gastronomy is affected by the Coronavirus crisis – some have already given up. Now a cult attracts Local from Munich, drastic consequences*.

* are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.