regardless of whether self-doubt or uncertainty: Barbie Breakout, Sheila Wolf and Kelly Heelton take the ladies under their wing and help them to Shine in new splendor. spoke with the Berlin Drag Queen Barbie Breakout on the Show, Body-Positivity, and their Special Guest Claudia Obert.

a look at this post on Instagram ANO contribution divided by Barbie Breakout (@Barbie breakout) on may 28, 2020 11:21 PDT

Hey Barbie, introduce yourself in 1-2 sentences … My Name is Barbie Breakout, I’m a Drag Queen, activist, and book author and makeup and do the hair for over two decades, the humanity. FunFact: 1. I podcaste recently! “Tragic, but cool” and “2old2dieyoung” there are both on Spotify and iTunes. 2. I am since 13 years in the personal MakeUp artist of Barbara Becker 3. I am HIV positive and I think it’s important to talk about it.

come As you are “The Diva In Me”? Through e-mail. I was asking normal and to be invited to a Casting. One of the Producers of my Drive followed probably a bit longer, and has pushed me to come at all in the selection. I had just turned before the “Shopping Queen”Special with Guido (comes on 14. June at VOX). This is the same family of channels such as TVNow. Maybe that has helped a bit.

How Drag Queens can do to help women? I am a feminist. I know that women in our society are still disadvantaged in many areas. This includes an increasing pressure by unattainable Beauty comes standard in social media. Many women give up as easy. Drag Queens have eventually transformed her own vulnerability into strength, and this Superpower we can give to women.

I myself am a good example of this. I have risen in the last few years, but with Drag I have the opportunity to feel absolutely stunning sexy and beautiful. Drag gives you the opportunity to invent yourself new, and you with yourself new friends, because you can remind you that you’re strong and beautiful, and indestructible.

It goes in the show is also about the tease out the Diva in every woman. What a Diva does, in your opinion? The term “Diva” is brought in the last few years, often with airs and graces and bitchiness in connection. I think there’s more to women, the “Larger than Life”, which have something Special to women, such as the [Maria] Callas, Aretha [Franklin ] and Jessye Norman.

What can you give to the women in the program in the long term on the way? Many people believe that Makeup is only Skin Deep, you wipe afterwards and everything is gone. But that is not true. It can change you, to see you once again in a new light and to see that in you more than maybe your Obesity, your Depression, or your frustration at home.

TVNOW / RTL Studios

What we can give to our women, I believe, is the realization that even from the deepest dark swamp is always something Beautiful can grow, and that it is worthwhile to let his fighting spirit, not dull, just because the environment has not in the mood of your light, or your Spirit.

What is your Superpower in the Show? Apart from my brush skill, I have focused mainly on understanding our girls and me stay, where the currently are and what we can offer you in advice can give.

What was your favorite moment? What has touched you the most? There was quite a lot of very beautiful moments during the shoot. Many of the women have me blown away with your development easy. There is a woman in the morning in front of you, which is full of self-doubt is the only way. You can watch her as she waits in everything we tell her, that there’s something Evil comes afterwards. Because she has learned to do so. And in the evening she stands on the stage and shines like a sun, don’t want to take off the clothes and brimming with self-confidence.

TVNOW / RTL Studios

The most touched me, however, Ramona, a young mother with depression, which was already very tidy when we arrived and tried to help other people with the same ordeal. I propose myself for over 20 years with depression and trying to help others Affected by talking openly and without shame about it. This is not always easy. You can do it in a such a young age has impressed me deeply as a few tears ran down at me. And your transformation was insane. We are still in contact, the Show has changed her life is actually sustainable, and I’m very proud of you.

of Course you can’t be everywhere and you all women care about, would you like to be at your side. I rate women like to be all the people on Instagram and unfollow everywhere else, the will give you the feeling, not pretty, slim or perfect enough. For that, you should seek people that inspire you, and inspire you to feel better, instead of worse. And I can’t say it often enough: we all need to take moments that are only there for us, which we use, but also deliberately for us. Whether one has a Job and three children, or alone on the Couch in front of the telly is, we should try to make every day a little Date with yourself to install.

This can be a Meditation, a skin care ritual, or simply a few minutes sitting in the sun, without a phone, without shouting, and then changes to the inside feel. How am I doing today, really? What’s missing? Where pressed on? This changes a lot if you learn to feel yourself again, and listen. Then other things happen all on their own.

a look at this post on Instagram ANO contribution divided by Barbie Breakout (@Barbie breakout) on Sep 24, 2019 at 12:10 PM PDT

In the third episode, you’re taken to Claudia Obert. How was the encounter? And what advice do you have for them? Claudia is a phenomenon in itself. A very Likeable. We were laughing the other day with her very much. I think Claudia is doing everything right. There is no law, which dictates that you must have, as a woman, a longing for romance and love. I think it’s ok, if she says that she wants better Sex. I mean to have heard that because of old wounds and a broken heart that never healed really, but Claudia out fires all few seconds a new spell. Since it is very difficult to distinguish what is real and what is just a joke. I find it good as it is. It has the heart in the right place and the.

What is an expectation you have on the Show? I hope that people will see how much we love answered, and that the girls feel now when they see themselves on TV. I believe that in Germany, it is time to let the drag Queens do what we have been doing for centuries. We will help and fight for a better world. It was always like that, even if the biting malignancy can be some of the members of the often forgotten.

a look at this post on Instagram ANO contribution divided by Barbie Breakout (@Barbie breakout) on Apr 7, 2020 at 3:40 PM PDT

I hope that the show inspires many more formats and many people to feel at home and inspired to improve your life, a little Bit more gloss back. And of course I hope on a further season.

Did you have in the run-up to any concerns? of Course there were concerns. We have started to turn, as there is with Corona just went off. That’s why we were allowed to our charges never embrace, there was no audience at the Show. Only one family member was allowed. Of course I had concern that this breaks the back of the Neck, that it is at the end of a strange feeling that the distance was only of a physical nature, looks at the TV then, as if that was a deliberate emotional distance. But it is not so, you can see us in the way we and our Ladies have celebrated and I think you also had always the feeling that we had you in the Arm, if not physically.

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*The post “Barbie Breakout “The Diva in Me,” Claudia Obert and self-love” is written and published by Contact with the executives here.