Corona-demonstrations: On the Whitsun week-end, it came down in German cities to protest. The city of Munich, through the handle previously due to a Nazi comparison.

For the Pfingswochenende across Germany, there are again protests against the measures* to mitigate the Coronavirus * announced. In Munich, the Wearing a David star says . Came to the rallies, fewer people eventually than expected. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany*. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.

Update from the 1. June, 12.40 PM: went on the Whitsun week-end, usually on Saturday, in many German cities, people are once again on the road to against Corona-restrictions* protest . However, the number of participants were often under the logged values . Thus, the participation in demonstrations against the government regulations goes back parallel to the lifting of the restrictions. In some places, were also held demonstrations against right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists.

In Stuttgart , where the last of the Germany had been the largest protests, demonstrated on Saturday 150 people . On the next day, there were still several hundred people. For Saturday, several Demos were, however, with some several thousand participants logged in.

Corona-Demos: 700 people arrived in Munich to a rally

Around 700 came in München for a rally under the Motto, “stand Together for freedom, basic rights and self-determination”. Previously, the city of Munich had the use of the “Jewish star” on the Corona-demonstrations prohibited . The reason was that on some rallies this yellow star with the inscription “unvaccinated” was shown, and thus associations of the persecution during the Nazi should be aroused in time.

+ In Munich, the Jewish star was in connection with Corona-Demos prohibited.©dpa / Boris Roessler

In Bavaria there were, in addition to Munich, also in the Nuremberg, Würzburg and Schweinfurt demonstrations – but here, too, with fewer participants than registered. To called a in Aschaffenburg Spontaneously Demo appeared according to the police, no one information.

In Frankfurt am Main demonstrated a total of about 550 people at several events. In Berlin , the police counted on Saturday several demonstrations of each of the 50 people . Most of the protesters were at a rally of the Vegan chef Attila Hildmann near the Federal Chancellery. There are about 150 people were on-site. A further Demonstration on Sunday at the Mauer Park.

In Thuringia came, according to police spokesman, the country rallies around 450 people . Logged about 1400 protesters, among other things, in Erfurt, Weimar, Jena, and Nordhausen.

Corona-Demos: Munich, Germany forbids Nazi comparison in protests

Update from 31. May, 17.07 PM : The city of Munich is against the use of the yellow “Jewish star” to Corona-demonst ratione n . The ban was already part of the edition of the decision of the city of Munich for the Demonstration on Saturday, was confirmed by a spokesman for the police on Sunday on request. First, the Bayerische Rundfunk (BR) had reported about it.

Background of the ban is that on some Corona manifestations of the so-called star of David, the Jews of the national socialists imposed label, with the inscription, “unvaccinated” was shown. In order for associations to the persecution during the Nazi era to be awakened. According to police, a fine* there is a danger of a breach .

As in other cities had also protested on Saturday in the Bavarian capital, several Hundred people against circumcision of fundamental rights the fight against Corona-Virus .

Corona-Demos: motorcade with Attila Hildmann in front pulls Chancellery – protests in many cities planned

initial meld of 30. May: Berlin/München – Among the many announced demonstrations against the measures to curb the Coronavirus a gets attention, especially In Berlin, the controversial Vegan has called chef Attila Hildmann, a motorcade . Also in other German cities – such as Munich or Hamburg – expect the organizer to several thousand participants for demonstrations.

While the demonstrators show little commitment from the right trends, share, the basic demands of many people. A recent survey suggests that the German wishes in the event of a renewed epidemic – a better legitimacy of the measures, to crumble the solidarity seems to be. In many places demonstrations against rights movements to start now.

Corona-crisis: Demonstration by Attila Hildmann in Berlin will start with a motorcade

a array of 550 forces , the police in Berlin is on Saturday afternoon on the road. According to a police spokesman, it had not been to for lunch but quiet.

according to observers, the motorcade Hildmann , has made in the last few weeks, especially in the scene of the conspiracy theorist, a name that has achieved only a few followers.

video show would happen, as he warns of attacks from “anti-fascist”supporters – as they are currently in the United States, where after the violent death of an African-American by police officers protesting – but not from right-wing extremists distant.

Corona-crisis: demonstrations in towns and cities is set to begin in the afternoon

In Munich was said to the organisers on Friday again, to gather more than 1000 people on the Theresienwiese as well as – out of fear of right-wing conspirators – Wearing a star of David, forbidden. The organizers had requested a permit for up to 10,000 people, what was said, for reasons of the infection protection, but it has to be expected several Thousand people to the Demonstration in Munich.

Also in Nuremberg are expected to be starting at 15.30 at the Wöhrder Wiese and the Westpark more than 1500 participants, in Hamburg, several demonstrations are planned according to n-tv 14, the largest under the Motto “vigil for the basic law”.

* and are part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.


section list image:©dpa / Christoph Schmidt